Performance Update: Why you should invest with us!

Sonam Srivastava
Wright Research
Published in
2 min readFeb 22, 2020

It’s been 8 months since we started our investment advisory at Wright Research and started offering our portfolios via smallcase.

The performance has been encouraging to say the least!

The portfolio has outperformed the dynamic mutual funds massively and it is way above the Nifty. It lags the equity mutual funds which have had a pretty good run within the same period. But what is going in our favour is that we are dynamic and regime adaptive.

Before October 2019 (corporate tax cut) equities were doing badly, we had a good run as we deallocated to bonds. Even after the tax cut we quickly moved to a equity heavy portfolio to catch up!

The tactical portfolios offered by Wright Research have much lower risk and drawdown compared to any top mutual fund (across categories) and outperforms the fund in the dynamic category (which are broadly the same category as us) because of our focus of differentiated sources of Alpha via equity factor models and lesser constraints compared to mutual funds.

Our product has a very attractive return profile compared to the typical investment opportunities present for retail audience like mutual funds and they offer steady appreciation of capital with low risk, taking away the headache associated with investing for you!

So head away to and get the best out of your investment and leave the hard work for us.

