Why Your Digital Product Requires a Design System

Amal Tapalov
Published in
4 min readSep 5, 2022

There’s a reason why the world’s most successful internet businesses, like Google, Airbnb, and Facebook, have developed their own design methodology. Design systems are more than just a phrase or something that designers obsess over; they may have a significant influence on your digital product and your business.

There are many definitions of what a design system is used for, but design systems are primarily driven by a need for uniformity and scalability. That is why designers should adopt a methodical approach to product design.

I aim to put in place the principles of a design system as soon as possible. As we design across atoms, molecules, and organisms, this assures efficiency and uniformity. It also means I can hand off the first components and styles to a development team so that they have something to start with and then continue to expand the system.

The anatomy of a design system

Inside a design system that we create for clients, you’ll find:

  • Standards and principles: Values that are developed as part of a larger brand and product strategy
  • Brand assets and policies: Logos, color schemes, typographic systems, and grid systems are all examples of design elements
  • Patterns and UI components: All interactive components, including buttons and inputs in different states and instances (empty, inactive, pending, and so on), as well as navigational patterns and content blocks
  • Documentation: Instructions, comments, and notes for use in design and development

Design systems are never “done,” just like product design is never “done.” They are continually changing and improving based on fresh insights gained from customer input, product strategy, and company expansion. Components are introduced, patterns are discontinued, and styles are modified.

It may be a lot of effort, especially if you’re creating a new system from scratch — so if it seems like a lot of work, it probably is. But over time, design systems will not only make your design and development processes considerably easier, but they will also enable you to create superior products.

5 design systems tips that lead to better products

1. Ensure consistency across the entire user experience

Without a design system, design and engineering teams are free to interpret UI components however they see fit, from the status of a button to the height of a form field. What first seems like little variations might gradually turn into a confusing user experience with uneven branding and functionalities. If you run a big business with several divisions and product lines, this can be undesirable.

This problem is resolved by design systems, which provide product teams with a single source of reality. You establish a seamless, unified user experience that covers the whole product portfolio with well-defined standards, patterns, and rules.

2. Reduce design debt and increase scalability

Design systems not only accelerate the release of new features and products but also motivate you to think about the long-term effects of a single design and how it will scale in the future. This reduces design debt by avoiding the need to disassemble and rebuild goods months from now.

By reducing design and coding costs, utilizing a design system will help you stay inside your budget while still enabling your application to develop and evolve.

3. Enable product teams to innovate

Designers are always debating whether design systems restrict innovation. In fact, according to my experience, these platforms have enabled product teams — including engineering teams — to innovate. Design systems are merely toolkits that help teams create new ideas and have a clearer understanding of what is achievable.

Design systems, for instance, accelerate the production of high-fidelity wireframes for new features, giving design research a more professional appearance. This leads to better feedback sessions with stakeholders and test users.

Design systems also make it far quicker to implement upgrades across a whole product when new components and patterns are approved.

4. Encourage continuous integration and continuous delivery

Reusable components and layouts save time, money, and resources when creating and releasing new features. Design systems serve as the building blocks that offer engineers the confidence they need to create on-brand digital experiences. They also provide new product teams with a quick and simple approach for onboarding and learning the fundamentals.

This has become much more efficient as design tools have advanced. For instance, I use Figma, which has shared styles, libraries, variants, atoms, and molecules. This makes it much simpler to develop a product over time since we can create components and apply any adjustments across all projects in one location.

Users will have more reasons to like your product as additional features are provided more quickly. Speed and efficiency may swiftly turn into a priceless competitive advantage.

5 Connect design and development to bridge the gap

One of the easiest methods to ease any faults in designer-developer handoffs is to use design systems. A design system, when implemented correctly, takes into consideration all product states, variants, components, and interactions, allowing a developer to implement a new feature with minimum misunderstanding between teams. The documentation that comes with design systems may also fill in the blanks and remove unnecessary assumptions in the process of developing and constructing designs by explaining what components to utilize and why.

Better communication and collaboration between the design and engineering teams allow you to deliver products more quickly and expand your business much more effectively.

Thanks for reading! If this article was useful for you — please mark it clapped and write comments if you have your thoughts about the topic. Your feedback is welcome!

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