A New Type of Group Message: “Request Private Replies”

Now You Can Request and Aggregate Private Replies in Group Channels

2 min readJul 23, 2020


Slack, Teams and the rest have it wrong: group messaging is a terrible tool for business, an all-day interruption requiring constant attention, a chaos of rivers of messages rushing by, aging off the page and disappearing forever. You don’t use group messaging — it uses you.

Since 2015, while the industry deflected attention from fundamental problems by shining light on integration of 3rd party apps, Wrinkl was fixing group chat itself. Our innovations introduce order and manageability to group messaging. They distill what’s important, provide a calm place to work, and enable — at long last — a system of record.

Request Private Replies

Request Private Replies is another such Wrinkl innovation. It introduces true private replies in a group channel, visible to only the responder and the requester. It allows you to stay in the channel you’re already in to preserve conversational context. It aggregates all private replies for the requester, saving the requester from having to flitter from DM to DM.

What user of Slack or Teams would ask for everyone’s social security number, home address or healthcare plan selection in a public group messaging channel? A Wrinkl user would.

Your company’s benefits coordinator needs final health plan decisions by end of day? They just send a message with “Request Private Replies” in the HR group channel for all to see. But the individual replies to that message are visible in the group channel only to the benefits coordinator and each respective respondent.

Privacy Assured, Context Maintained, Audit Trail Created — All in Any Group Channel

All private replies are aggregated in the requester’s view of the channel. So, there’s no need for the benefits coordinator to search through tens or hundreds of DMs from employees sending private information — or to hand-tally responses from individual emails.

Moreover, since each respondent sees only their own reply and the request for it, privacy is maintained even in a group channel. And no respondent is burdened with the channel-clutter of tens or hundreds of responses that don’t pertain to them. Privacy, context, and an audit trail are all maintained — in a single channel, the channel they belong, the channel it would be logical to find them in the future.

See Request Private Replies in action: https://vimeo.com/435362130

To inquire about licensing Request Private Replies or any other of Wrinkl’s patented or patent pending innovations, please contact us at wrinkl-ip@wrinkl.com

About Wrinkl www.wrinkl.com

Wrinkl provides businesses with a messaging solution that reduces clutter, distills what’s important, and supplies the tools to act on it — all without leaving the conversation. With Wrinkl, conversation is action — not distraction.




US Pat #: 9,712,466•9,860,198•9,882,846•10,009,300•10,025,475•10,547,575•10,728,192•10,805,247 • 10,999,226 • 11,388,120 • 11,522,821 • 11,973,731 • pat pending