Wrinkl Granted Patent for @@mention℠ Group Messaging Technology

Introducing @@mention messages, which are only visible in group channels to @@mentioned users

2 min readJan 13, 2021


The familiar “@mention” convention is employed by group chat participants who want to target a message of particular relevance to a specified channel user. While these visible-to-all-in-the-channel “@mention” messages benefit the emphasized @mention recipient by being presented in conversational context, they have the unfortunate consequence of forcing remaining channel members to attend to messages not germane to them.

Today, Wrinkl announces that it has received a patent for its “@@mention℠” technology enabling users to send messages visible to only intended channel member recipients while retaining the sender’s ability to stay in the channel, but without forcing remaining channel members to attend to messages not relevant to them. Simply typing “@@” instead of “@” limits the visibility of the @@mention message to only the @@mentioned channel members. What’s more, @@mention℠ messages are private-reply capable, facilitating an intuitive and simple way for recipients to reply privately to just the sender and eliminating the risk of accidentally “replying to all”.


The patent also enables users to send messages to the entire channel while restricting visibility of each responding member’s reply to just that respondent, and aggregating all replies for the sender of the message replied to.

See @@mention in action: https://vimeo.com/498964478

Since its founding in 2015, Wrinkl, Inc. has been at the forefront of innovation in the group messaging space. Its patented and patent pending technology is being applied worldwide and includes foundational innovations such as One-Step Message Referencing, Email Integration, Sidebars, Influencer Attribution Messaging, and Staggered Circulation Messaging (e.g., greeting cards).

To inquire about licensing @@mention℠ or any other of Wrinkl’s patented or patent pending innovations, please contact us at wrinkl-ip@wrinkl.com.

About Wrinkl

Wrinkl provides messaging solutions that reduce clutter, enhance privacy and distill what’s important — all without leaving the conversation. With Wrinkl, conversation is action — not distraction.

Pat. 9,712,466, 9,860,198, 9,882,846, 10,007,900, 10,025,475, 10,547,575, 10,728,192, 10,805,247 and patents pending



Editor for

US Pat #: 9,712,466•9,860,198•9,882,846•10,009,300•10,025,475•10,547,575•10,728,192•10,805,247 • 10,999,226 • 11,388,120 • 11,522,821 • 11,973,731 • pat pending