97% have already upgraded, some a bit painfully

Wristly Apple Watch Insider’s Report #23

Bernard Desarnauts
Wristly Research
Published in
3 min readOct 13, 2015


October 6, 2015

It’s only been two weeks since the release of the watchOS 2.x and 97% of our panel respondents have already installed their upgrade. While the upgrade process went as expected for the majority, almost a quarter (24%) reported it was harder than expected.

Analyzing the upgrade process in a little more depth, our panel reports that they had to attempt the process at least twice (15%) or even three times or more (9%). Additionally about a third of the panel reported that they had to reboot either their Apple Watch or both Apple Watch and iPhone during the process and finally almost 20% of upgraders had to re-pair their iPhone to their Watch. Overall, we rate the process good but with room for improvements.

Faces and Complications

The most used part of the Apple Watch is naturally its “Watch Face” layer including the Complications layer.

The new watchOS 2.x includes several enhancements including two brand new faces (Photo and Timelapse) as well as the ability to begin integrating complications from 3rd party vendors.

From the feedback from our panel, a majority of users don’t change their Watch face very frequently and more surprising 3 of the faces only make up about 90% of our users preferred choice!

When asked about what other type of complications they would like to see from Apple or 3rd party developers, the following types were frequently mentioned:

  • Live sports scores
  • Music
  • Notifications (Facebook etc)
  • Stocks info

The new Photo Face — the ultimate personalization?

Robert Dvořák one of our regular panel members started experimenting with the new watchOS 2.x and discovered that “with a few clicks & a band change I can instantly transform my Apple Watch into a fan tribute timepiece! THIS blows me away!”

As illustrated with his “Seahawks” model (risky example with so many readers in the Bay Area) featuring the color-matching green sport band. Robert has composed several other examples, to check them follow his “Beatles News” twitter account @JaiGuruDeva.

Parting Thoughts

The upgrade rate to watchOS 2.x is showing that it was widely anticipated by our panel members. We have begun collecting anecdotal first impressions from many of them and will in a few weeks once additional 3rd party apps are released be assessing the relative difference and impact it has on the enjoyment and overall usefulness of the Apple Watch.

To the members of our research panel once again a big thank you for your participation. Other readers, if you have the Watch, please consider joining the project at www.wristly.co — it only takes a few minutes once a week to help shape the collective understanding of the ground-breaking platform.

For those who do not have the Apple Watch or the time, you can now sign up to Wristly Thoughts: — Four tasty bites about the Apple Watch delivered to your inbox. Subscribe at https://tinyletter.com/Wristly_Thoughts

