More depth, more clarity and less hype!

Wristly Insider’s Report #22 — September 29, 2015

Bernard Desarnauts
Wristly Research
4 min readSep 29, 2015


Well, this week we are reporting on what you told us about the Wristly Apple Watch research project itself. More than 1,200 of you participated and your feedback was very conclusive.

Thank you to the Media and Twitter!

First, the majority of you signed up to the project after reading a story referencing our research. Many of you also mentioned specifically Ben Bajarin articles published on For those of you who don’t know him, Ben is a principal analyst at Creative Strategies and we’ve been fortunate to be partnering with him on this project.

How you rate our research

Regarding your collective assessment of our research itself, you were very clear. While overall, most of you are satisfied with it, by reading all the comments and ratings we can assess the following:

On the plus side, you have really appreciated thus far the speed to complete our surveys and the overall restraint shown in number of questions asked.

On the “needs improvement” side — most critical for us, three main themes emerged.

The overall “depth” of the survey needs work. While overall you like the speed to complete, many of you suggest that you would be prepared to take a bit more time to go deeper on specific topics. We are looking at how to accommodate this by possibly adding optional sections to future surveys.

You report that we have often asked questions where the answer choices either box-you in, are misleading or just simply too generic to let you express exactly what you felt/thought. We hear you loud and clear on this one and we will strive to rectify this, starting with this week’s survey.

Finally and maybe for the long term, most importantly, many of you noted that we have too much of a positive bias towards the Apple Watch. Many specifically referred to our choice of using the word “Magic” to describe Apple Pay etc. In hindsight, we have to agree. While it is in our best interest to see the Apple Watch succeed as a platform, we can and will tone down our approach both in the way we set up the questions and also how we report.

The road ahead

In terms of what we could offer next, your feedback was again very straightforward.

85% of you do not seem to want us to change the frequency of the research, yet 10% thought a bi-weekly (once every two weeks) schedule would be more appropriate. One option we are considering is to allow you to specify your preferences and adapt this to your personal preferences. While that sounds easy, this requires some technical resources that we can’t spare right now.

In terms of other areas of development, the suggestion that we offer Tips & Tricks, the review of Apps and the publishing of a weekly digest newsletter seem to be interesting to the majority of you.

On the other side of the spectrum, you told us that tracking other devices and platforms adds little value to you, and that neither forums nor podcasts would be that valuable either.

While we do not have any immediate short term plan to execute on any of these ideas, we would like to specifically thank many of you who took the extra time to add write-in comments reminding us of the potential dangers of too rapid expansion, lack of focus etc. You are right — given our resources we need to continue to be very focused at simply improving our core product by integrating elements of your feedback.

One last word. More than 200 of you offered to help us further in professionalizing the project and introduce us to relevant companies and organizations who might be interested in better understanding the Apple Watch and look to us to help with custom market research or simply access to some of our core data.

If you are also curious to check out what we’re planning to offer you can review a short overview presentation of our thoughts at

Once again, thank you for your ongoing participation to our project.

