Ancillary #4

Yuqing Yang
The Ends of Globalization
2 min readFeb 24, 2022

In the essay “Globalization Will Look Very Different After the Coronavirus Pandemic”, I am impressed and agree with the argument “the new watchword is likely to be risk reduction rather than cost reduction”. It is convincing that pandemic is not the end of globalization but the era of transformation of globalization. Pandemic exposed the problem of globalization instead of causing it.

The author uses a lot of real-life examples to support his argument. For example, 72 percent of facilities producing drug ingredients for USA consumption are located abroad. Before the pandemic, the huge benefit gained for the global supply chain made people neglect the risk of being overdependent on it. The pandemic makes the public and government rethink the benefit and risks of globalization and realized that the risk of over-globalization is unneglectable.

Moreover, it is a fact that “the coronavirus crisis may be global, but the responses have so far been national”. The benefit and risks of globalization and nationalism may be varied and even conflict with each other. Hence, the rise of nationalism may cause a crease in the degree of globalization and finally contribute to limited globalization.

However, It is not convincing that “pandemic promotes the interests of a global elite at the expense of majority populations”. The cost and benefit of globalization should be measured and considered by people carefully, instead of neglecting the benefit and only focusing on the cost.

In the article “Did the pandemic end globalization”, the author argues that pandemic brings the second era of globalization to a decisive close. The author uses some examples, such as the decrease of the global traveler, to support his argument. However, recent political policy, such as Australia’s policy of opening borders, shows the government’s effort of trying to make things back to normal and continue globalization.

Also, it is unconvinced that “Donald Trumps halted longstanding bipartisan momentum toward continued economic integration”. More fact is needed to support this argument.

However, it is convincing that the decreased degree of globalization may cause the increase of protectionism. Countries may be willing to sacrifice economic benefit for their nationalist objectives.

My argument on my debate topic is that pandemic is a transformation period of globalization. Globalization will continue in a different form after the pandemic. I need to consider how to make my argument convincing by having a logical outline with examples. Also, I think I need to have further research on how to argue against other people’s arguments that pandemic is the end of globalization.

