ancillary 4

Jai Talwar
The Ends of Globalization
1 min readSep 24, 2021

Will the Pandemic end the trend towards increasing globalisation?

The pandemic has resulted in a significant amount of fear and therefore a deterrent towards travel in the recent months. This is as travelling in planes etc. make you far more susceptible to contracting the covid-19 virus. Additionally, travel restrictions around the world aswell as increased formalities due to travel such as covid tests and quarantines have decreased the attraction of travel in recent months. Furthermore, all these processes have resulted in added expenses. However, as people get vaccinated and fear over the pandemic drops, travel will become less of an issue.

Additionally, it is fair to say that the pandemic hasn’t had much effect on other aspects of globalisation such as trade and the outsourcing of manufacturing. Therefore, in my opinion it is fairly certain that the pandemic, in the long run, won’t have much of an effect on the trend towards increasing globalisation

