Ancillary 6

The Ends of Globalization
1 min readFeb 22, 2022

Though the impact of Covid seems to prolong and would leave a fundamental impact on how people work, the concern is being overstated. With the spread of the pandemic, many firms were forced to work online. During this process, many workers realized how hazardous their working environment was and decided to quit their jobs and start something new. According to Joanne Lipman’s article on people’s perception of the epidemic, “Millions of people have spent the past year re-evaluating their priorities. How much time do they want to spend in an office? Where do they want to live if they can work remotely? Do they want to switch careers? For many, this has become a moment to literally redefine what is work.” (Lipman, The Pandemic Revealed How Much We Hate Our Jobs. Now We Have a Chance to Reinvent Work), which means that the pandemic caused many people to consider their jobs and try to explore new ways of work. With the continuation of the pandemic, more people would join the trend in exploring new jobs and better working conditions. However, while the employees decided to quit their jobs, the employer would use the employee’s unemployed condition to force a more harmful contract. Therefore, the condition mentioned by the author would not happen.

