Ancillary 9

Juanpablo Sanchez
The Ends of Globalization
2 min readApr 5, 2021

Bringing on the topics of feminicides from Juarez to the global stage is easily translatable. By this, I am not referring to the implications of the leading causes of femicides across the globe all point towards the same reason; I am rather simply stating that this is a global issue. The complexity of this issue arises with the different typifications and laws that follow each crime. First of all, any violence rooted against women should fit into a physical, sexual, or phycological context, according to scholars (Saccomano). Furthermore, each type of violence listed would fit into three categories regarding in what scenario they take place: family, partner, or community violence. As the categorizations of feminicides begin to expand, so do unique cases and data that reflect the research. For example, a common misconception people have regarding femicides is that Latin America is responsible for the majority of these crimes. However, research suggests that the American continent as a whole occupies second place in terms of the average percentage of
couple homicides concerning the total of homicides of women, with Southeast Asia being the lead. But the lack of scholarly research or even media attention these countries conduct result in an apparent absence in the statistical data, which would rightfully make anyone believe that they do not belong there.

Measures such as the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women have been ratified by all Latin American countries, while 14 of them have adopted the Convention’s Optional Protocol, giving the UN Committee on the Elimination of Discrimination against Women the jurisdiction to monitor the countries criminal approach and law regulations. However, since no uniform laws regarding the components of a feminicide have been implemented, the result has led to each Latin American country has a different criminal category for gender-based violence (Global Americas).

