What is causing this problem (recently, last 10 years?)
Chinese people are still have unbalanced childbirth. People discrimination against female babies. From the ancient thought that only men were qualified to take the heritage of the family. New reasons of misogyny. When boys became men, they could not find a wife. Then, human trafficking comes in handy.
What has been done to try to deal with it historically?
Joining international organization:
educate women on their awareness, people tried to educate women in how to make sure that they were not kidnapped. (2020 new policy) This includes make sure that the companies on the career fair is legal, be aware of kidnapped women being forced into marriage at the marriage office.
Why hasn’t it worked?
There is not enough pressure in law: These sellers and buyer’s general believe that they will not be punished (it is true that they would not) “the seller directly told the victim: ‘you were sold, now you belong to him.’”
What new steps could be taken?
Establish heavier punishment on buyers:
Human Trafficking and Slavery: Penalties
“The penalties for human trafficking are understandably severe. A conviction for holding a person in peonage carries potential fines and a maximum prison term of 20 years in a federal prison. If a death results from a violation or the violation included kidnapping, sexual abuse, or other aggravating factors, the maximum punishment increases to life imprisonment.”
Education “Blue campaign”: people in the rural areas see women as a necessity of their life. So it is common for them to think that it is alright to buy a woman. Systematic education process should be set up to warn these people that they are committing a crime.
Which one is the best?
Punish both seller and buyer, punish them more severely
“The law also prohibits and punishes attempts and conspiracies relating to human trafficking. It also orders the forfeiture of any property used in violation of the law as well as any proceeds from the act. The law includes clauses for the mandatory payment of restitution to the victim for the full amount of their losses, as determined by the court. Additionally, victims of human trafficking can legally sue for damages, as per the TVPA.”
What barriers are there to a positive step and how to overcome them?
Government do not actively investigate (stability & children)
- See women as baby machine: The punishment of selling a woman has the same punishment as selling 20 toads, less than selling a parrot
- Difficulties in actually taking in practice:
“Traffickers and buyers both form specific groups. The former are gangs committed for financial gain, often finding buyers after abducting women. Groups of buyers are formed due to a common buying demand. Families in the same area that buy into women’s needs often have similar backgrounds, such as poverty and low legal literacy.”
- Cultural perspective: having a marriage is considered an irreplaceable part of life, this affects both men and women. Divorce is seen as a taboo.
So far governments are not make actual new policies, only “advocations” (maybe because just posted?)
Government set a 30-day chilling period to lower divorce rate this policy interfere’s with people’s right to divorce.