Better Problem Solving Through Local Thinking

Evan Pruett
The Ends of Globalization
6 min readFeb 3, 2021

For the vast majority of Americans, we undeniably live within a global system. We get our produce and meat from other countries, we have access to and learn from information gathered all across the globe through the internet, and the products we buy are from companies in countries other than where the materials are from and where the products themselves were manufactured. However, we have the ability to choose whether or not we think of ourselves as citizens of the world, of our nations, or of our local communities. Those who are proponents of thinking globally argue that for the average person, thinking globally will lead to better problem solving of global issues. However, I believe it is more important to identify and think locally because for the average person, thinking locally increases their ability to make direct change.

We all live and operate within local communities, and belong to a national and global system. Some people are able to choose their communities, while others don’t have the ability to go anywhere else. But we do have a choice over how we go about operating within these systems. Those who think globally focus on the global events unfolding, keeping a close watch on world news networks and picture the environment that they operate in as a small segment of the whole world. However, there are so many issues facing the world and people are only able to sustain a certain amount of activities before their work becomes unhealthy. Globally minded people use their energy on issues regardless of border, while locally-minded people focus on their own communities. Because locally-minded people think more about their own communities, they have a higher chance of making a direct impact on a problem.

Locally minded people have a higher chance of making a direct impact on a problem because they can better identify the needs of their community and what is needed to resolve the issue. Whether you’ve lived in your community for your whole life or just a few months, you are going to passively experience change. Then when you begin to identify and concern yourself with a problem in your community, you already have a picture of those changes leading up to the problem. Also, you better understand the culture of your community and what motivates people to do things. People who are coming from another community may not understand the culture and go about solving a problem in a way that steps on the toes of cultures, traditions, and things valued by the community. Finally, by living in your own community, you begin to empathize and connect with the residents of your community. If you are more able to empathize with people who need help, you are more likely to be willing to put in the effort to help them because you understand their situation.

Gallery Furniture turned into a shelter. From

Take for example the relief efforts following the devastation caused by Hurricane Harvey in my hometown of Houston, Texas. I’ve lived in Houston my entire life, and there has always been a persistent issue with flooding. In 2017, Hurricane Harvey devastated Houston, destroying homes and buildings, displacing many families. Everyone in Houston was either affected or knows someone personally who was affected. Houstonians who were able to help took boats and got people out of their houses that were flooding. Houston icon, Jim McIngvale, also known as Mattress Mack, is the owner of a chain of large furniture stores and is undeniably locally minded. He opened two of his stores, Gallery Furniture, to be used as shelters for those displaced by the storms. He allowed those staying to sleep on the new furniture and organized efforts to get essential supplies like baby formula to those in need of it (Time Magazine). McIngvale realized he had the capacity to help his community and executed on it. While the relief efforts wouldn’t have been possible without national funds and donations, locally-minded individuals were some of the first to respond and begin the rebuilding process.

However, certain people have the time and money to affect global issues directly and should think globally. There are certain issues that are impossible to solve at the local level. These issues require collaboration between governments and the wealth and time of rich individuals. In the case of multibillionaires like Bill and Melinda Gates, they were able to identify that their wealth could directly be used to eliminate Malaria in Africa. Malaria in Africa is such a large issue that requires a lot of research and money to combat. Similarly, the global COVID pandemic and climate change require this same type of attention.

However, issues like the COVID pandemic and climate change can be significantly tackled at the local level. Local citizens must acknowledge the fact that they belong to a larger global system, and the things that we do can impact other communities across the globe. Instead of placing blame on others or waiting on national governments to enact change, we should start the change in our local communities. As far as the global pandemic, stopping the spread is largely the responsibility of local communities. People need to educate other people on the effectiveness of wearing a mask and quarantining. City, state, and national governments put in place mask orders, however, there is not enough law enforcement to enforce a mask order on everyone at all times. It is up to local citizens to prompt the people in their communities to wear masks. As for climate change, there are plenty of things that can be done at the community level: identify ways that climate change is affecting your local area to raise awareness, organize recycling and upcycling efforts, support local farmers and locally made goods, and carpool or use public transportation. Also, by focusing on your local community you may identify large sources of pollution such as building developments that may harm a local ecosystem. From there, you can easily rally the local community around taking action against climate change because the pollution is a direct threat to them and their area.

Houston’s Climate Action Plan. From

Take for example, Houston’s Climate Action Plan. Hurricane Harvey, just one of three 500-year floods within 3 years, is most likely an indication of global warming (Washington Post). Houstonians and the city of Houston realized this and decided to take action. The city of Houston was able to identify pollutants unique to the city and create a plan that specifically targets these factors. It was discovered that transportation and residential buildings were the largest contributing factors in Houston ( From there the city has organized projects to diminish the amount of emissions caused by these factors. As a result of this local thinking, not only local communities are improved, but the entire world as well.

Works Cited:

Calfas, Jennifer. “After Hurricane Harvey, ‘Mattress Mack’ Shelters Victims.” Time, TIME USA, LLC., 30 Aug. 2017,

“Climate Action Plan.” Office of Sustainability Houston,

Ingraham, Christopher. “Analysis | Houston Is Experiencing Its Third ‘500-Year’ Flood in 3 Years. How Is That Possible?” The Washington Post, WP Company, 29 Apr. 2019,

Paulick Report Staff. “‘Mattress Mack’ Opens Gallery Furniture Locations As Shelters For Hurricane Harvey Victims — Horse Racing News: Paulick Report.” Horse Racing News | Paulick Report, 30 Aug. 2017,

