Can identifying globally lead to a sustainable future for society?

Ingrid Hernandez
The Ends of Globalization
4 min readSep 17, 2021

I identify as a global citizen which refers to someone who sees themselves as part of a community who helps internationally because we advocate for equality in many countries rather than only one nation. Everyone can have their own opinion on this type of discussion but I want to advise you on how you should lean towards identifying as either Globally or Nationally. Although some may argue that identifying as a global citizen contributes to cultural homogeneity, I believe that it doesn’t because it strengthens our knowledge which helps create a sustainable future for society.

I can’t identify as a national citizen because I am Guatemalan & Mexican-American. Americans can identify as national citizens and want to help internationally but they won’t understand the cultures which in my opinion is the best part to gain knowledge about from other countries. The American stereotype is that we are a perfect nation and that we are all united but we are not. We are more divided than united, that’s for sure. When I was younger I always believed that I identified nationally because as Americans we grow up believing that we must praise our country because we are seen as the representatives, we represent our country but why would we represent a place that doesn’t treat us equally. This country isn’t what everyone thinks it is, there is still inequality within our society even if we were born here, racism, sexism, income inequality, etc. People somehow still get segregated in countries all over the world including here. As I got older I was more curious as to why they would want us to do the Pledge of Allegiance to the flag if as children we were barely learning about the history of the country. I realized they encouraged this because it was a form of showing patriotism amongst one another. People in the United States, mainly the government, don’t care about the people within this nation, they care about themselves and their reputation. I am American but I will not “praise” a country that doesn’t accept me as a person of different cultural backgrounds. Having multiple identities has opened my view on how the U.S. has brainwashed Americans into believing that there is only one culture or one nation.

By contrast, a global citizen understands the culture and is more likely to gain more knowledge about another country than someone who identifies as a national citizen. So, I will identify globally because I am willing to help internationally and understand the cultural background. As global citizens, we help each other and others around the world to create a better world. Being global citizens can bring us together to help the less privileged countries that need resources during difficult times. The most common way of helping would be by providing foreign aid because for example, I was watching the news during the COVID-19 crisis and many nations have needed all kinds of support like technology for the COVID-19 vaccine and money for hospitals, burials, and even food. Ever since the pandemic hit every country has reacted differently and some couldn’t respond to it the way they wanted to because they lacked these kinds of resources. This created a severe issue since the virus was taking the lives of many people especially people of color. If we as global citizens support these countries during these crises we could prevent those deaths and conquer these kinds of obstacles that happen. If you can help others, what else do you need, feeling that you helped others is a boost to your self-esteem and it demonstrates that you are capable of advocating for others and yourself.

I don’t think I can identify nationally because I’m not only American, I am a Chapina y Mexicana. When I took my trip to Guatemala this past summer I was exposed to different cultures. When I visited other small towns like San Cristobal, Quetzaltenango, and San Francisco El Alto, I had a great experience and I realized in a first-person viewpoint that Guatemala is a multicultural country that has indigenous people and afro-descent communities. Having exposure to these different cultures brings us closer to the people in these countries because we view things from different perspectives. This can extend social relationships and expand diversity within countries all around the world. We truly understand cultures around the world by learning about their behaviors and perspectives. It is good to be open-minded and learn about other cultures because it can also benefit us as a whole and that way there is equality in the world. By contrast, national citizens can’t acknowledge other cultures or countries because they are a closed community that solely focuses on common aspects like nationality or ethnicity. For example, national citizens can be thought of as selfish because they only focus on the issues within the country and believe in having one culture. Those who identify nationally are patriots but that can also lead to negativity because they believe that if they share what they have there won’t be one nation. Here some may object that excessive focus on other countries rather than their own can contribute to cultural homogeneity. This can lead to everyone having the same culture and therefore, it’s better to think nationally. They are right — this is a problem. But, instead of thinking nationally, we should figure out how to provide cultural awareness without combining all cultures, that way there is still diversity. For example, we can celebrate traditional holidays from around the world and create more restaurants with cultural foods so we can all enjoy la Comida deliciosa, from street tacos to Wonton soup.

This will result in collective actions, such as to fight for equality, that includes equal distribution of resources to poorer countries and exposure to different cultures. We have to come together as people with different backgrounds and become the world’s most diverse group. Doing this will make us stronger individuals and our countries have many triumphs. We will not lose our other identities along the way instead we are adding more to become stronger. I am and will always identify as a global citizen unless someone or something changes my mind but until then I am a global citizen.

