Global indentity: peace distribution of resources

Joyce Wang
The Ends of Globalization
4 min readSep 10, 2021

Living in the twenty-first century, facing the question “Do you identify yourself globally or nationally?” People may choose national identity on the basis that citizens should be patriotic. However, with the development of information technology and also global trade, to have a global identity is unavoidable. People argue that national identity can protect the nation better and provide a safer environment. Conversely, the truth is national identity is the cause of war and people from the home country having a global identity can reduce conflict because of the sharing and equal distribution of resources.

Looking back at history, the national identity has led us into zero interaction with other countries and endless war because of the resources. But, for the same situation in the modern world, the global identity makes the world into peace because of the sharing of the resources. As a human being, I am glad that I was born in this globalization period where I don’t need to worry about the security of my life. That’s because people nowadays not only take care of themselves but also care about others. Flashing back to the ancient time, when countries were having wars against each other mainly because of resources. Every country wants to be rich and develop themselves. So, as a result of having national ideas, the best way to get the resources was to invade the country. At that time period, people tended to have national identity more than global identity, with people from their home country focusing on their own and only thinking about the benefit for their own. The occupation of other countries’ land is a sign of glory and patriotism, despite the fact that along with the death of local people, their culture disappeared. Therefore, having a national identity neither protects the nation nor provides a safer environment for citizens.

In contrast, the global identity has moved us into a peaceful world with less conflict. By extension, in the modern world, countries still cannot fulfill their own resources themselves. But unlike before, people don’t invade or plunder the resources in a barbarous and cruel way anymore. The solution under the globalization idea is to make a contract with each country to accomplish the global trade to meet a win-win situation. The idea of trade has provided an equal method of the separating of resources. No matter if the countries are strong or weak, the exchange can be made. Because of global trade, many organizations have been established to further reduce or even avoid conflict to better protect the contrious for example WTO and ONU. Within the organizations, all countries are treated the same, resources exchange policies are recorded on paper and the interests of every country can be safeguarded. Thus, the whole world is collaborating and together making the world a better place. A recent example of how the globalization corporation has been applied and enhanced is the COVID-19 pandemic.

The COVID-19 pandemic itself is a global spreading disease which requires the idea of globalization involved. It was a problem that humanity needed to face as a whole to overcome. Locking down the whole city of Wuhan, China is an action under the globalization identity in which there will be no confirmed people leaving the country and spreading the disease. Some people claim that during the pandemic period of time globalization identity wasn’t shown because all countries are focusing on themselves first. However, if all citizens are applying to the national ideas, countries will not provide any help for other countries even after they have controlled the spread nationally. And people from countries that don’t have the ability to make vaccines and get enough medical supplies will need to make two choices, either to invade countries for resources or wait till death. But the fact is that none of the countries has left the others alone and the whole world has worked together to avoid conflict in resources by having a global identity. Sharing and disturbing the medical supplies with other countries and a bridge of global collaboration. The benefit and importance of global identity can be easily seen. Consider the situation after China has controlled the spread of the disease within the region. The first thing China did was to send out doctors and nurses to help and support countries which lack medical equipment and supplies. As a result, countries that don’t have the ability to cure diseases can overcome this problem. Accompany with the globalization identity being more and more popularized. Globalization in the future will not only limited to the world trade. The blending and collusion of ideas will shape the world in a better place. Hopefully, in the very soon, there will be no more racist, wars, political conflict making people experience starvation and homeless

Thus, in conclusion, people from their home country should identify themselves globally as it can reduce conflict and develop humanity as a whole in a better way by sharing and distributing resources equally.

