How Has the Pandemic Fundamentally Changed How We View Work?

Ava Gallien
The Ends of Globalization
2 min readFeb 15, 2022

My topic was how has the pandemic fundamentally changed how we view work? The first reason that this topic stuck out to me was that the issue is so current and is going on as we speak. The pandemic opened up a new world of work that people did not know existed. On a positive note, the pandemic broadened the horizons for so many different types of work. The online world is so broad and there are so many things that you can get into. However, say you already like your job and want to continue, well now that there is an online option, you can still do the same job, but from the comfort of your own home and not an office. Although the list can go on with positives, there are negatives as well. With the online world opening, there is still a need for in-person jobs. These jobs are becoming less and less desirable and it is a big problem. An article from CBSNews states “The most recent data show people quitting jobs across the board: 4.4% of all positions in education are open, over 6% in retail, and more than 8% in health care. Open jobs in hotels and restaurants are nearly 9%. That’s almost a million-and-a-half vacant positions.” This news is incredibly staggering and should be extremely concerning to more people. With the number of open jobs, the economy will suffer more than it already is. So, going fully online is not an option. There will have to be a healthy balance. This is much easier said than done however, it is extremely necessary. In the articles that I read, I did agree with most of the information and thought it was valid. However, there were sometimes statement saying that there are no solutions on the horizon and we are basically doomed. I disagree with this because we will definitely find ways to solve this problem. Since the whole world is suffering and it is not just one country going through this, it makes me much more confident that we can get the world even better than it was prior to the pandemic.

