Alia MJ
The Ends of Globalization
2 min readSep 1, 2021


Nationalist VS. Global Citizen

I am feeling more nationally for the simple reason that I have been brought up in a nationalist country, thereby I have only ever been exposed to such a regime. I have always felt this was the total norm. Coming from the United Arab Emirates, a country literally so united with people who adore their leaders, I thought it only right to adopt a nationalist culture. We simply abide by the dictations of our authoritarian figures, who we believe know best and therefore we blindly follow. Some may say we are selfish, but I think otherwise.

After coming to the United States however, I personally believe that there should be a balance or a compromise between nationalism and global citizenship. A country may identify as nationalist and put its needs above all else, in addition it can do its fair share as a global citizen- showing awareness of the world beyond, taking active roles in building the global community and especially working to maintain world peace. The UAE is a country which exceptionally examples this balance. We place our nation first, mnataining our own peace and then worrying about the rest of the world. We work on building and investing in our country first, and then we provide substantial foreign aid. By reducing our own consumption of fossil fuels and pollution, we strive to fully steer towards to renewable energy sources and this intern contributes to the globe. We do our part in society, although we could do more. We have shown to be successful this way considering we are a relatively new country, but after a few decades I surely believe we can begin to lean more towards global citizenship once we maintain full stability. Countries should worry about themselves first and build themselves up to then be able to support the rest of the world. So to conclude, neither term doesn't really fit how I identify, which is why we should coin a new term which will define those who equally feel nationally and globally.


