Thoughts on the Great Resignation

The Ends of Globalization
2 min readFeb 15, 2022

During this pandemic of the coronavirus there have been many problems regarding unemployment and the quitting and losing of jobs otherwise known as the Great resignation. I believe this topic of the great resignation is a very interesting topic for many different reasons. One is the fact that people are getting burnt out of their jobs and wanting to find a new career path, but what really leads me to ask myself; why was it during the pandemic did it start to lead to people being “burnt out”? Another question I asked myself was, now that the pandemic is starting to get better health wise and more and more people don’t have jobs, do these people tend to be in a bigger hole then they were before or did they use that spare time to boost their career? I guess we won’t really ever know because it is so different for everyone but we can only hope. What really caught my eye while reading the articles was suring the background of the resignation was ​​James Jordan who owns a fast-growing construction company in Greenville said “We doubled our revenue year over year. We don’t have a work problem at all, now it’s just a matter of finding — the individuals to be able to do — perform the work.” making it a worker problem not a working problem. This piece of evidence doesn’t seem to be convincing for a lot of other companies due to the fact that many workers are quitting their jobs and when you don’t have workers usually you don’t get as much work done. One thing I would like to know or need to find out more about is are more people getting let go of their jobs or are more people quitting their jobs? I believe this bit of information will help me compare the great resignation to work better. In the end, I feel like the great resignation is a very interesting topic and is a massive social shift that is impacting and will continue to impact people’s daily lives.

