To be a Global Citizen

Ty Shamblin
The Ends of Globalization
4 min readFeb 3, 2021

As populations have grown and more inventions are made around the world with new technology, the time is now to connect with each other and collaborate our ideas and inventions to make the world a better and more efficient place. In this 21st century a technological explosion has occurred around the world where new groundbreaking technology and discoveries are made commonly. In my opinion, I strongly believe that the USA along with all other countries need to come together and work together. I am a global minded citizen because I have a heart for others and always willing to give a helping hand to someone in need. Being a global citizen means someone who is aware of and understands the wider world — and their place in it. I believe countries should share ideas and discoveries with other countries; however, I think this should be done to a certain extent where countries aren’t releasing all secrets and resources but I think it is right to help countries in need. Although some may argue that focusing only on their country with a local citizen mindset is the best way to solve global problems, global identity allows help and resources to be provided to others to improve their lives on a global scale.

Some of you may be wondering why I am a global citizen and I am going to explain my reasoning. I believe I am a global citizen because of where I have grown up and the people who have impacted my life in a way where my eyes have been opened. Being born and raised in Southern California, I have grown up with diversity all around me because of how Los Angeles and California in general is a hub for relocation and travel. My best friends and teammates growing up were a mix of all different races and ethnicities and to be frank, I never thought of any of them differently than the rest. I see people as people. Taking this to a more personal level, I am a mixed American mixed with White, Hispanic, Hawaiian, and African American so I have ties to many different races and ethnicities with many traditions. Many of these traditions have very similar values and common themes throughout the different races which is which is why I believe most people have similar values in general but traditions may differ. People around the world and honestly in our cities still have stereotypes and beliefs about people of different races. Also, some of my closest friends come from Mexico and Uganda which are mostly different from the United States. I do not view them any differently that they are orphans from a different country. In reality, because they are orphans, I realized how blessed they are to be in the US receiving education and the ability to be whatever they want. I think of all people equally and believe that people are common in their underlying values in life. Looking back at what I wrote, I realized that my whole life story was able to occur because of globalization. Because these US families had the ability to adopt children from other countries, it allowed my friends to live their own lives and start their own story.

When I think about this topic, I find myself thinking about others before thinking about myself. Even though our country can focus on ourselves first to fix our problems or better our lives, I believe we should also expand to helping third world countries that need help. When you think about our lucky and blessed our lives are in comparison to people’s lives in Africa and other places where they don’t know where they will find their next meal, you realize that our abundance of resources can be useful in huge ways towards these people. On a personal note, whenever I think about the term “globalization,” the movie Black Panther immediately pops up in my head. In the movie, at first the Wakandans didn’t want to share with the world their Vibranium to protect their secret country and out of fear of what others would do with it. In the end of the movie, the Wakandans were willing to spread their resources to the world and share their lives.

No matter where individuals are from, people are people, and being a global citizen means you understand this and have respect for all people no matter their race, ethnicity, or origin. Being a global minded citizen frames a way of thinking to engender actions that help people around the world. It is a way of taking action in not only a national way to better our country but an international way to help others as well. With all of our advances in technology and the increase of people around the world, having a global mindset can help countries solve problems together.

