WP1 About Love

Zelin Liu
The Ends of Globalization
5 min readFeb 1, 2022

Have you ever seen or met with a foreigner in your country? Have you traveled to another country whether it is for traveling or chasing your academic dream? Do you have some relations, no matter if it is friendship, romantic relationship or any kind of relationship, with foreigners? If the answer is yes, what would you say about him or her? Would you consider marrying a foreigner? Nowadays, as the world is globalizing at an extremely fast pace, we are in an unprecedented special time period. Globalization means innovations and developments, since it not only brings tons of varieties of local goods from all over the countries, but also gives a chance to let the developed and developing country cooperate, by sharing the most advanced technology. In other words, nothing like the old time when due to poor transportation systems, people had to stay in the same place with limited resources, under the conflicts and combinations of diverse cultures, we have numerous opportunities waiting for us to grasp. For example, Mcdonalds, as a chain restaurant from the U.S., is so attractive to people other than Americans, Chineses or Indians, and gains millions of money from its abroad market. Besides that, there is one thing brought by globalization that is most common, but easy to forget: people. Look around people surrounding you, are they all from the same country? Or are they black, white, or yellow? Different from any other time period, as more and more countries are globalizing, we have chances to meet, talk, or love with foreigners from the otherside of the world; however, in the topic of love, most people will not choose to do so. Why are people so adaptable to food, clothes, and cultures, but marrying or loving a foreign becomes a puzzle that people won’t even consider?

The idea that people should find someone similar to himself or herself could be traced back to the time of the kingdom. When the social classes existed, commons were being told that they were much inferior human than the king and notability were, so if they were only allowed to marry with people from the same class, most of the time the same place. Currently, we have a totally different story that we promote the equality of people and races. There is no reason that we should still keep the old-fashioned ideology and limiting ourself. Regarding being a global romantic relationship, it is really not a nightmare. Focusing on the good side of it, you could have some unique and valuable life experiences. For instance, it always takes lots of courage, time, and money for someone to visit a place thousands of miles aways, and locals speak incomprehensible languages, but with the person from that place, it will be much easier to achieve. He or she could help you to figure out how to deal with the visa or save money from unnecessary costs. Basically, you will have a perfect private trip guide. Furthermore, if at the end, you marry him or her, you will obtain an extra amazing way to live. For example, you get fired from work, and your friends still refuse to pay back the money that you lend to him or her. That’s fine, you could just get a flight to find your husband or wife and talk, hang out with your foreign friends, or even find a job that suits you. After all, when you feel that you have the right mood to clear out all the trivial matters, you just buy another ticket and get back. In addition, if you have appearance anxiety, it will never happen on your baby because by combining features from two diverse genes, there is really no way for the little baby to get a bad look, and the baby could choose his or her nationality freely when he or she turns 18. As a result, being in a global romantic relationship will make your life so flexible that you could live in two lifestyles; most importantly, you will learn how to live with an open mindset and grit.

Someone may argue that it is totally unreasonable, since compared with loving a foreigner, having a local lover is much more beneficial. Admittedly, finding someone locally could be a life savior; in other words, it cuts tons of troubles in the future, such as different diets and family traditions, arguing on where to settle down, or just increasing living costs, etc. On the contrary, I believe that the wonderful utopia always hides in the clouds. In other word, although many obstacles and difficulties, as I mentioned before, will occur, there are countless fantastic experiences waiting for you to explore: Finding a amazing local restaurant in a totally new country that you will never know as a foreigner, learning a new language and having conversations with foreigners, and living in a totally different lifestyle. In addition, facing troubles may not be harmful at all. By encountering and solving these problems, you will get even more closer with your lover and learn the merits of grit.

A real life example is the experience of my middle school Math teacher Lily, who is Chinese and married to an American. Lily was my favorite teacher, and I talked with her frequently, so for me, she is a respectful sister rather than a fusty teacher. She struggled at age of 27, since most of her friends were married and settled down with someone, but she is still single. She had tried to begin relationships with some of her townsmen who had considerable assets and good looks; however, the results turned out that none of them was her true love. Until Joe’s appearance, she didn’t realize what had gone wrong. Joe was nothing like her ex-boyfriends. He was a middle school English teacher who only earned $1000 dollars a month, and he is as handsome as Justin Biber. “Why is he?” asked me. She answered that maybe he is not the richest or the most good looking one, but he changed my life and me forever. He would ask her to try the best American burger in BeiJing, and show her how to celebrate thanksgiving by cooking turkey; He would spend a day on writing a poem to illustrate his love; he would prove to her how to enjoy life by slowing down and escaping from their environment. Of course, they also met lots of problems: long distance, different concepts regarding family, etc. Nonetheless, these problems are the touchstone of their love. It was these obstacles proved that they really loved each other, and they would sacrifice themselves to keep this love. Nothing is unchangeable for them, as long as their love still exists. The result turns out that they have become extremely plausible: they are open to any new idea, and they would always try to understand and absorb it.

In conclusion, the importance of global love is never merely to find your true love and stay with it, but to have an open-mindset. What this mindset brings to us is that we should never limit ourself, so that we ignore the real fruit, and instead of looking for something, we should work toward it and achieve it by being gritty. Sometimes, trying the harder way could bring unexpected presents.

