WP1 Essay Rough Draft

Victor Longchuang Li
The Ends of Globalization
3 min readSep 3, 2020

Globalization has become closely related with people’s life under today’s society. Whether it is on the political stage or normal daily life, it has influenced all aspects of our lives. Under the context of this internet century, people from all around the world, from different countries, cultures, backgrounds and races are all connected to each other. People can get to know the world just with one screen. These all provide much more opportunities for everyone to have a global mindset. Although some may argue that being a global citizen will cause one to lose the sense of patriotism, being a global citizen makes one become more objective in international relationships because it allows people to be more open minded to different cultures.

Thanks to parents who have given me birth in the U.S. and brought me up in China. From the day I was born, I had the identities of the two great nations, which also benefited me from being able to travel around the world since I was young. Today, I have been to 5 continents, more than 30 countries and hundreds of different cities all around the world. These experiences make me appreciate the charm and beauty of this world, and most importantly, give me the sense of being a global citizen.

The exposure to different cultures, races and languages undoubtedly made me an open minded and tolerant person. I have friends from all around the world. They come from different countries, backgrounds, and cultures. And being able to speak 3 languages, play 4 musical instruments and multiple hobbies are all evidence of me being a diverse person. These distinctive experiences really give me the idea that the whole world has already been connected together. Therefore, instead of thinking where I actually belong to, I always think about what I can do for the world. However, the reality is not always so optimistic, especially when things come on to the political stage.

Living in both China and the United States both for almost 10 years, I am confident to say that I have a good knowledge for both. Without the political struggle, people in both countries are most friendly and very curious about each other. However, the Coronas pandemic apparently raised the problems between the two countries into another level. Hate, racism and separatism between the two countries and races are the products from Trump’s direct usage of the “Chinese virus” and his new political policies. Using education as a political tool to put restrictions on the Chinese international students is just one of the shameful actions he took. Why do the two largest economies have to fight instead of cooperating with others? This is really not what the United States should be doing right now. This is not the time for separatism and conservatism, but instead the time that everyone and every country should unite together to conquer our common enemy, the coronavirus. This is the time for countries around the world to work together and practice globalizaton.

Many people still ask me, “do you feel more Chinese or American?” This question has been one of my struggles, just like the political struggle between the two governments. Many people have even accused me of being un-loyal to your home country. Therefore, I always ask myself, “do I have to pick one?”, or “am I really objective enough that I can say I really don’t have a bias towards either country?” Although I don’t have an accurate answer to either question, being able to see things from both perspectives makes me think that the two populations really should not be the victims of the political struggle.

The process of defining yourself always comes with struggles. The reality may also directly contradict my beliefs. But it still does change my idea of being a world citizen, and the wish to create beautiful things for this world. In the end, we are all human beings.

