WP4 A9

Freida Lin
The Ends of Globalization
2 min readApr 7, 2022

My issue is the food development in China through globalization. Chinese food is famous around the world. People in different countries are obsessed with noodles, orange chicken, and others. In China, we also have amazing and diverse food from region to region. Through the development of the economy and the connection to the world, people‘s eating habits have changed. Chinese people would like to eat outside to taste diverse food around the world. As a result, lots of different kinds of restaurants around the world came to China. Now, when people mention something about eating outside, they usually will go to eat Sushi(Japan), hot pot(Si Chuan), and Korean BBQ rather than go to eat some local food. Some people may say that this is not helpful to the development of local food and we will lose some indigenous food. Some others disprove that people only like to eat food from other countries or regions outside because that food is new to them. When they come home, they will still cook and eat something locally. However, this is only because our parents only make local food at home. If we become the older generation, we may start to make diverse food around the world and our children will get used to this taste. The younger generation may do not want to try the local food, which will cause the loss of indigenous food.

The food will change when they spread from one country to another. Usually, all the Japanese and Italian restaurants we saw in the street were improved by locals. The taste of food becomes more acceptable which will help merchants draw more customers. However, some people think this is unrespectable of other countries’ cultures. They do not want the food they like to be changed to something they do not know. But this also enforces the emergence of fusion restaurants

