Aaron Ghermezi
9 min readApr 30, 2024


Photo by Razvan Chisu on Unsplash

Gen Z’s Pursuit of Success

“Gen Z workers are lazy, some bosses say. They don’t do anything unless every second of their day is managed”(Hart). Contrary to the stereotype, a considerable segment of Gen Z not only acknowledges the importance of time but actively invests it in pursuits such as personal growth, cultivating social connections, exploring diverse career paths, and navigating the rapidly advancing realm of technology. Challenging this assumption is important to create a more informed conversation that recognizes and appreciates the diverse and meaningful time-management strategies adopted by Gen Z individuals in juggling their responsibilities. Many people in older generations believe that Gen Z is lazy and tends to waste time, but things are more competitive now and to achieve great accolades young adults must work harder than ever before.

The stereotype is that Generation Z is much lazier than older generations; they don’t work hard enough to achieve the things they want or should try to get. An article on Businessinsider.com states that “Gen Zers have been criticized for being the most “challenging” generation to work with, according to managers. They are frequently dubbed “lazy,” too easily offended, and not productive enough”(Businessinsider.com, Pearcy). Although Older people continue to place this stereotype on younger generations that they are lazy, younger individuals make sure to voice their opinions on social media in response. In defense to this statement made about Generation Z, a young TikTok user called @Barbiebrains, “ told viewers that Gen Z understands that expectations surrounding work have changed and that they don’t have to work jobs they don’t want to do. “’People have thrown so many things at Gen Z during our formative years, and now they’re like, ‘Oh, why is your perspective different?’”(Pearcy). This shows that Gen Zers feel like they are boxed into their jobs such as office jobs where they are stuck behind computers at a typical 9–5 job, but they have been shown what there really is out there in terms of following what they are passionate about and making it their living. Times have changed and Gen Zers are interested in jobs which allow freedom to pursue dreams and passions in their personal lives. The challenges faced by Generation Z in pursuing education, makes it evident that these individuals are striving harder than previous generations to achieve basic life goals and doing them at high levels in education.

Members of Gen Z are working harder than previous generations to accomplish goals, like acquiring high level college educations. For example, college admission rates are dropping, and getting into the most prestigious universities is becoming increasingly difficult every year. This forces students to work and study harder in order to get into these prestigious universities where they will have to exert that same work ethic to succeed in the classroom and school. According to Premium Prep College Counseling, “it is, in fact, much more difficult to get into college than it was a generation ago. The number of college applicants has risen sharply, especially over the past ten years, and this trend does not appear to be letting up any time soon”(Premium Prep). Although it is increasingly becoming more difficult for students to get into college, more students are applying which means the process of getting into college is becoming more competitive and harder to get in. In an article which stressed the importance of college in the eyes of Gen Z, they performed a survey which showed, “A majority of Generation Z (83%) in the U.S. say that a college education today is “very important” or “fairly important,” according to new data from the Gallup and Walton Family Foundation-State of American Youth Survey”(Nicola). This study shows how important getting into college is for these students and as long as the admission rates drop and the percentage of students who value college increase. The competition will also increase making it harder for students to get accepted. This will result in a stronger work ethic therefore proving Gen Z works hard in order to achieve the things they set their minds on. Gen Z is a generation of people who are easily influenced by what they see online and although there are many cons to social media, it does expose Gen z to the fact that they can achieve lots of success. GenZ does spend a lot of time on social media, often to the detriment of our mental health, however, older generations often ignore the vital role that social media plays in motivating GenZ.

In a time dominated by social media, virtual entertainment has become a basic part of Gen Z’s regular routines. While the unavoidable utilization of these applications is frequently connected with negative consequences for psychological wellness and habit, it is very important to acknowledge the significant positive effect that Social Media can have on Gen Z, serving as a platform for motivation and inspiration. Anxiety and negative feelings can be prevalent by the constant exposure to curated content, the unrealistic standards, and the pressure to conform to societal ideals. According to the National Library of Medicine, “Several studies have indicated that the prolonged use of social networking sites (SNS), such as Facebook, may be related to signs and symptoms of depression. In addition, some authors have indicated that certain SNS activities might be associated with low self-esteem, especially in children and adolescents”(ncbi.nlm.nih.gov, Pantic). This shows just how badly social media can affect young individuals, but there are two sides to every story, because social media can serve as a positive platform for Gen Z. These platforms are used by motivational speakers, influencers, and everyday people alike to share encouraging messages, moving tales, and useful information about perseverance and hard work. The rise of motivational speakers who use social media to reach a global audience is one notable aspect of the positive impact of social media on Gen Z because these young viewers easily absorb what is being said to them which can be replicated in their real world lifestyle and work ethic. An article by the Times of India wrote in regards to social media, “social media influencers can have a powerful impact on young minds, both positive and negative. While we should be mindful of the potential risks, we should also recognize that influencers can be a source of inspiration and positive role models”(Times of India, Bareth). One example of a motivational speaker whose audience is mostly Gen Z is, David Goggins a world renowned motivational speaker and influencer followed by many young people around the world said, “Don’t stop when you’re tired. Stop when you’re done.” “Everyone fails sometimes and life isn’t supposed to be fair, much less bend to your every whim.” “You must recognize what you are about to do, highlight what you do not like about it, and spend time visualizing each and every obstacle you can. As a role model to so many young people around the world this does not only embody what it’s like to push through something when you are physically beat down, but it serves as a reminder to be mentally strong and work hard and push through tough and challenging times to get to where you want to go. Goggins always makes sure to highlight that there is no room to make excuses for young people and if you want something you must work hard to get it. As higher expectations are placed on younger generations, so does the increase in stress and anxiety which must be managed in order to achieve the goals they want to achieve while still being in a healthy state both physically and mentally.

The relationship between older generations and Generation Z has made things more difficult for the younger generation because they have to meet higher expectations and deal with more pressure. Older generations, particularly those who came of age during times of economic success and expansion, usually spend more money and love on their children. This increased investment means that Gen Z has to work really hard to meet high expectations for success. Parents want their children to do well in school, get good jobs, and have successful careers. This hope, which comes from wanting the best for Gen Z and having big goals, ends up putting a lot of pressure on them. This results in issues on their mental health as, “Some 70% of teens across all gen­ders, races and fam­i­ly-income lev­els say that anx­i­ety and depres­sion are sig­nif­i­cant prob­lems among their peers, accord­ing to the Pew Research Cen­ter”(Aecf.org). The higher expectations are making Generation Z feel more stressed and anxious. The pressure to do well can make young people feel stressed, worried, and like they’re not good enough. The mental health effects on young people are worrying.

Even though people often say Gen Z is lazy, there is also a rise in hustle culture among them.In response to these heightened pressures–rather than collapsing into despair and laziness–some members of GenZ have actively embraced hustle culture. Many young people are adopting the idea of working hard to reach their goals. This hustle culture is driven by the need to show themselves in the face of the high standards set by the people who came before them. In regards to the work ethic of Gen Z, an article by cnbc wrote, “Gen Zers are every bit as ambitious, and even more anxious, as the overworked millennials before them, but they’re redefining what success looks like at work and in life. Hustle culture isn’t dead — it’s just getting a Gen Z rebrand”(cnbc.com, Liu). High motivation is enabling more young people to start their own businesses, using their creativity and strength to succeed in different industries, and bring new ideas and viewpoints to the business world. Jimmy Donaldson is a 25 year old businessman who has multiple businesses like in the chocolate industry as well as content creation valued at over 1 billion dollars said to Business Insider regarding his work ethic, “Weirdly enough, the best thing for my mental health was giving into my innate nature to work. And the most depressed I get is when I try to restrict it, like, ‘I don’t work weekends’ or ‘I don’t work this day.’ What’s best for me is just to work when I feel like working’”(Business Insider, Cheong).

In conclusion, the stereotype that Generation Z is lazy and lacks a strong work ethic is a misguided stereotype that fails to recognize the complex and dynamic nature of the demographic. Rather than continuing to discredit younger generations as they strive to make this world a better place, it is time for them to lift and motivate these younger generations to continue to push for the things they are passionate about. They must see the value Gen Z brings to today’s world and appreciate it in order to keep us as people moving forward. Gen Z does view time and productivity differently than older generations but these older generations did the same to get where they are today. Everyone has their own way of approaching life and how they think is the most productive and best way to do so, and just because it is different it does not mean that it is not better. The way younger generations view time is so valuable because they will continue to move society forward and continue to achieve great things making the world a better place to live in for all generations young or old.


The Annie E. Casey Foundation. “Generation Z’s Mental Health Issues.” The Annie E. Casey Foundation, 4 Mar. 2021, www.aecf.org/blog/generation-z-and-mental-health.

Bareth, Uri. “The Impact of Social Media Influencers on Young Minds: Navigating the Positive and Negative Effects.” Times of India Blog, 23 Feb. 2023, timesofindia.indiatimes.com/readersblog/drhemantbareth/the-impact-of-social-media-influencers-on-young-minds-navigating-the-positive-and-negative-effects-50818/.

Cheong, Charissa. “MrBeast Described His ‘grind Mode,’ Saying He Can Work up to 8 Days Non-Stop on YouTube Content: ‘Normal People, They Don’t Want That Life.’” Business Insider, www.businessinsider.com/mrbeast-work-ethic-schedule-grind-mode-youtube-2023-1#:~:text=MrBeast%20described%20his%20%27grind%20mode,don%27t%20want%20that%20life%27&text=Jimmy%20Donaldson%2C%20the%20world%27s%20biggest,Lex%20Fridman%27s%20podcast%20last%20week. Accessed 29 Jan. 2024.

Levine, Alyse. “Why Does It Seem so Hard to Get into College? — Premium Prep: College Counseling.” Premium Prep | College Counseling, 1 May 2023, premiumprep.com/2023/01/01/why-does-it-seem-so-hard-to-get-into-college/#:~:text=The%20first%20thing%20to%20acknowledge,letting%20up%20any%20time%20soon.

Liu, Jennifer. “Hustle Culture Isn’t Dead, It Just Got a Gen Z Rebrand: ‘People Want Time to Live Their Lives.’” CNBC, 12 July 2023, www.cnbc.com/2023/06/28/hustle-culture-isnt-dead-it-just-got-a-gen-z-rebrand.html.

Nicola, Tara P. “Majority of Gen Z Consider College Education Important.” Gallup.Com, Gallup, 21 Nov. 2023, news.gallup.com/opinion/gallup/509906/majority-gen-consider-college-education-important.aspx.

Pantic, Igor. “Online Social Networking and Mental Health.” Cyberpsychology, Behavior and Social Networking, U.S. National Library of Medicine, Oct. 2014, www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4183915/#:~:text=Several%20studies%20have%20indicated%20that,especially%20in%20children%20and%20adolescents.

Pearcy, Aimee. “Gen Zers Are Shutting down Accusations That They’re ‘lazy’ by Listing All the Reasons Why They Don’t Want to Work.” Business Insider, www.businessinsider.com/gen-z-responds-to-accusations-that-theyre-lazy-and-dont-want-to-work-2023-9. Accessed 22 Jan. 2024.

