3 Strong Reasons Why You Should Keep Writing Even When Everything Has Been Said

What’s obvious for you, might not be for others

Mario Da Silva
Write A Catalyst


Yes, and yes! You’ll find out that your personal experience is more valuable than you think! Image from Freepik.

I don’t know what to write.

This is one of the things that crossed my mind when I started writing. I’d struggle to come up with ideas often staring at a blank page on my computer screen. Even if I come up with an idea, I’d think that everything has been said about that topic.

If I write about a topic that’s out there, wouldn’t I be copying someone else? I learned that is not the case.

“Writing is 95% overcoming the feeling that the ideas you have to share are obvious — they aren’t” — Nicolas Cole

We often shy away from writing things that we find too obvious.

We ‘think’ that is trivial and ‘everyone knows this!’, but the opposite is true. I fell into that trap so many times when I started. I felt like I had nothing to share and everything that I wanted to write was out there already.

What I fail to understand is we often seek that next person who is only 2 steps in front of us. One that already knows something that we don’t know.



Mario Da Silva
Write A Catalyst

Engineer-Digital Writer and soon-to-be part-time-preneur | I talk about digital writing, entrepreneurship, and journaling | https://mariodasilva.substack.com/