5 Content Creation Myths That Aren’t True (I Learned Them After Spending 1000 Hours⬇️)

(Read this if you don’t want to waste your time.)

Sweta Sharma
Write A Catalyst
7 min readJul 23, 2024


Do you want to be a content creator?


Are you also wondering what it takes to be a successful content creator?

Photo by NEOM on Unsplash

Either way, if your answer is ‘YES’ then my friend, you better not skip this post.

In recent years, content creation has exploded as one of the most fascinating career choices.

Scroll through any social media platform, and you’ll see countless individuals sharing their lives, knowledge, and creativity in one way or another.

It looks glamorous and effortless, right?

Well, as someone who’s been in this world for a while now, I can tell you there’s more to it than meets the eye.

Don’t get me wrong — being a content creator is an incredible journey and I’m actually living this journey.

I started from scratch and now I have several side hustles through which I learn and earn.

But, like any career, content creation comes with its own set of challenges and misconceptions.

So, in this post, I’m going to pull back the curtain and tackle the top 5 myths about the content creation world.

Wait, I won’t stop there!

For each myth, I’ll:

  • Expose the truth behind it
  • Provide actionable tips

Whether you’re a seasoned creator or someone who’s just thinking of starting, this post will help you separate fact from fiction.

So, without further ado, let’s start debunking the myths together.

Myth 1: You Need Fancy Tools to Start

Tools are by far one of the most important things when it comes to creating content online.

You must have heard people saying — use the right tools and you’ll reach the right place.

Photo by S O C I A L . C U T on Unsplash

Many aspiring content creators (including me) believe they need top-of-the-line equipment like professional cameras, expensive editing software, paid subscriptions, and a studio setup to begin their journey.

But that’s not true!

You can start with what you have.

All you need is some FREE tools and a good idea.

Photo by Jason Briscoe on Unsplash

In the long run, the value of your content and how you connect with your audience matter more than having the latest gear.

Lesson 1: Start with what you have, focus on creating valuable content, and upgrade the tools as you grow and when you can afford to.

Myth 2: Overnight Success is Common

Tell me frankly, how many times do you wish to get overnight success?

  • Most of the time
  • Sometimes
  • Rarely
  • Never

(You can answer this question in your head.)

Now, answer one more question.

Do you think it’s practical to get 1 million fans overnight and sustain it for the long run?

I can say from my experience — it’s a bit impractical.

So, why do we think and want to get success that doesn’t require hard work and consistency?

I’ll give you the answer.

Stories of viral content and instant internet celebrities make it seem like quick success is the norm in content creation.

Photo by the blowup on Unsplash

The truth is success usually takes time and consistent efforts (as I told you earlier).

You have to put in the effort to tell people that you exist and you’re here to help them through your content.

You can’t build a substantial audience by just posting one piece of content on the web.

Lesson 2: Steady progress over time is more sustainable than overnight success.

Myth 3: It’s all Fun and No Work!

When you scroll through social media, you often see content creators posting things like :

  • “I’m having the best time of my life!”
  • “I’m just working 2 hours a day!”

These posts make content creation look like a non-stop party or a super easy job.

It’s tempting to think, “ Wow, I could do that too! Just have fun all day and barely work!”

Again, the truth is — it’s fun, but it’s also a lot of work.

What you don’t see is all the work that happens behind the scenes.

Those ‘2 hours a day’ might be just the time spent recording a video, but it doesn’t show:

  • the hours spent planning content
  • the time researching topics
  • multiple attempts to get the perfect shot
  • long editing sessions
Photo by Jakob Owens on Unsplash
  • responding to comments and messages
  • dealing with technical issues

While content creation can be really enjoyable, it’s still a job that requires dedication and hard work.

Lesson 3: Don’t be fooled by the highlight reel.

Myth 4: You Must Stick to One Niche Forever

When you start as a content creator, you might hear advice like:

  • “Find your niche and stick to it.”
  • “Successful creators never change their content type.”
  • “Your audience will leave you if you try something new.”

These ideas can make you feel like you need to pick one topic and talk about it forever.

It’s as if changing your content is some kind of creator crime!

The truth is your content can evolve as you do.

Here’s what really happens:

  • As you grow as a person, your interests might change.
  • You might discover new passions you want to share.
  • Your audience often enjoys seeing different sides of you.

I started my online journey on Pinterest by posting positive quotes, affirmations, greetings, etc. because I don’t know what I really want to create.

Neither do I’ve any idea about how this whole content world operates.

So, I took out my time, learned what I could create, and then I stumbled upon a lot of different things like digital downloads, SVGs, blogging, Pinterest Marketing, etc.

Photo by Sincerely Media on Unsplash

It was a slow transition but I figured out what’s going to be my USPs.

You also need to do the same.

If you try different niches (according to your caliber and taste) your true fans will appreciate seeing your growth and many will stick with you through changes.

Plus, you might attract new followers who love your new content!

Lesson 4: Don’t be afraid to explore and evolve.

Myth 5: More Followers Equals More Success

The allure of a big follower count is undeniable.

It’s so easy to get caught up in the numbers game, thinking that more followers automatically translate to greater success.

But here’s the truth :

Engagement is the real currency in this content-creation world!

Photo by Adem AY on Unsplash

A smaller, highly engaged audience can be far more valuable than a massive but inactive following.

These engaged followers are definitely the heart of your community.

So, instead of chasing numbers, focus on creating content that resonates deeply with your audience.

Provide quality to your audience and they will take care of the rest.

Lesson 5: Quality of engagement beats quantity of followers every time.

Which one among these myths surprised you the most?

Are there any common myths that you have read or heard?

Let’s chit-chat in the comments🚀🙌

Hey, pals! 👋 I’m Sweta — An Editor Turned Digital Content Creator.

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Sweta Sharma
Write A Catalyst

Hey, I'm Sweta! I help you build your personal brand by writing, AI & creating content. Join more creatives like you ➡️https://thebreakoutinsights.substack.com/