5 Passive Income Ideas That Actually Make Money

Work once, earn forever.

Biliz Maharjan
Write A Catalyst


Photo by PiggyBank on Unsplash

Making money while you sleep sounds like a dream for many. We have a term for it: Passive Income.

However, many misunderstand passive income as making money without doing anything. The reality is different. There are no free lunches in life. If you want to get something, you always have to give first. It could be your time, hard work, or money itself.

So, if someone says you can make money without doing anything, they are scamming you.

Passive income requires work. Once you complete it, you can generate money even when you are not actively involved. It’s like building a machine that gives you output forever.

Passive income starts by building a system that works itself. But for that system to operate, you must put in your work.

I’ll be discussing the five genuine ways to make passive income online. But as I said, you need to give time and effort initially for them to make you money.

Let’s get started!

1. Digital products

This is the number one method creators use to make passive income online. It’s the most reliable one too.



Biliz Maharjan
Write A Catalyst

I write about self-improvement, creativity, and writing. Free writing guide—store.bilizmaharjan.com