5 Time Management Skills to Master Based on Ali Abdaal’s Journey

Feel-good productivity at its best

Hustle AM 📝
Write A Catalyst


Photo by Jon Tyson on Unsplash

Productivity is one of those skills that if you get to master can help you achieve more in a shorter period of time.

There have been plenty of books written about productivity, and there are plenty of articles on this subject online, but in this one, I choose to share the opinion of one of the most known names in this industry.

Ali Abdaal is a YouTuber, a publisher, and a narrator who speaks about productivity in his book and online.

His experience in trying to improve his productivity helped him come up with very interesting results.

In this article, I want to share his opinion on how you can improve your time management skills and become more productive.

1. Prioritisation

Whether we like to admit it or not, learning to prioritise what’s important for us will definitely improve our life.

But every now and then we find ourselves stuck in the same old excuse.

“I don’t have enough time”.

This used to be my favourite excuse whenever I wanted to do something outside of work, for myself.



Hustle AM 📝
Write A Catalyst

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