5 Reasons You Should Not Start A Newsletter

If this is you — don’t waste time with a newsletter

Derek Hughes
Write A Catalyst


Photo by Maksim Goncharenok:

New writers desperate for progress, assume the noisest advice is correct.

Starting a newsletter letter is heavily promoted. But it could ruin you. For the right writer it’s incredible. It can generate huge riches. And deepen your connection with your readers.

I started mine 12 months ago and earn $1500/month from it. Here’s my latest stats.

So how do you know if it’s right for you?

It can be confusing. So let me make it clear for you. If you are one of these 5 types of writers.

Do not start a newsletter!

1. You haven’t found your focus

I started a Substack newsletter in 2022. But had to stop after 6 months because it wasn’t working.

I struggled to attract new subscribers. My topic was too vague (‘improve your life’). And then when I clarified my niche (helping new writers) — it was irrelevant to my email list. So I had to start again.

Don’t start a newsletter until you know your focus. Otherwise, you’re wasting your time. Experiment on social platforms. Find the sweet spot between what you want to write and what people want to read…



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