7 Brutal Truths About Earning with Writing That Will Shock You

(But You Need to Hear)

Arslan Mirza
Write A Catalyst


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We are writers.

Yes, we also have basic needs like others.

But, writing for a living sounds dreamy sometimes.

You’re imagining sipping coffee by the beach…Typing out profound thoughts as cash pours into your bank account.

Yeah, no.

Let’s cut the fluff. Earning with writing isn’t what your Instagram fantasy promised.

Here’s the raw, unfiltered reality:

#1 — You Write a Lot, Earn a Little (At First)

Most people think they’ll start writing and the dollars will roll in.


The truth?

In the beginning, you’ll churn out content that pays peanuts.

Like, “Did I really spend five hours on this for $20?” kind of peanuts.

Welcome to the grind. You’ll need to slog through low-paying gigs before you can level up.

#2 — You’ll Question Your Sanity

Expect existential crises.

You’ll wonder if writing is worth it.



Arslan Mirza
Write A Catalyst

Technical Writer | Self-Taught Code Ninja | Programmer | Aggressively Unfancy | 2M+ views on Medium | ⚡ Buy me a Ko-fi! https://ko-fi.com/arslanmirza