Simple Joys and Timeless Traditions

A Day With My Parents

Rustic Life of My Village

Rubina Khush Jan
Write A Catalyst


Rakaposhi Hunza Valley
Rakaposhi. A Beautiful View from my Terrace at home. PC RJPixels

Visiting parents at home twice a year seems like a blessing now. I worked in the city and my parents usually enjoyed their days in the beautiful mountains after their retirement.

My father loves spending time in the rugged mountains going on hikes and managing all the chores that come with hard mountain life in a remote valley.

Planning to visit them during public holidays was something I looked forward to.

Not only because of a good summer break but also because the journey was scenic. It was itself an adventure. Being able to spend time with my parents was precious.

  • Food

I often planned to reach right before the Eid festivities. As soon as I entered my home the aromas coming out of the kitchen would instantly transport me right into my comfort space.

Mum would make my favourite dish, a chicken curry with white-boiled rice. It is still my favourite meal and I love how Mum makes it.

  • Mountains

After having food the next thing I looked forward to most was sitting on the terrace and looking at the gorgeous mountains that surrounded the valley.

I will always be awestruck and in love with those mountains.

The view surrounding my home fascinates me. Even though I have looked at it a thousand times, it feels like my first time every time.

I would sit in a comfortable reclining chair and stare at the snow-capped Rakaposhi for hours. At night the sky would dazzle with stars.

I would often fall asleep with a book in my lap after staring at the mountains and sky for countless hours.

Hunza Valley, Trekking with my parents
A scene from a day of hiking with my parents. PC RJPixels
  • Hiking

The adventurous part about my trips was the hiking expeditions. We would wake up a little early in the morning to hike to our ancestral land up in the mountains.

Looking at my parents hiking alongside me made me count my blessings daily.

My parents have led a healthy and active lifestyle which personally inspires me a lot. My father worked his whole life in the corporate world and still is a fan of nature and loves to work with his bare hands.

He would lead during our hiking trips and also took care of the work such as clearing water channels etc.

I miss those days when it was so easy to visit my parents.

The simple rustic life of my village and the amazing weather and mighty mountains are what I miss most these days in the hot metropolitan city of Dubai!

I am looking forward to their visit to this transformative desert during the winter season.

Hi, I am Rubina. Thank you for reading. If you enjoyed this article, try these next :)

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Rubina Khush Jan
Write A Catalyst

Content writer | Digital Marketer | Sales prof. I write about my life experiences. Let's follow each other's journey to create enriching experiences.