A good word

About the importance of a smile or kind words

Allesia Ale
Write A Catalyst
3 min readMar 25, 2024


Photo by Annie Spratt on Unsplash

I had a rough day today that made me think again about the incredible power of small acts of kindness and kind words. It was a day when nothing seemed to go right, and I felt overwhelmed by all the stress and worries.

The morning started badly — I got stuck in traffic and arrived late to the office. My boss, of course, scolded me for being late, and I had a lot of tasks to solve, that’s how it happens, a lot of work every day.

I tried to work as fast as possible, but nothing was coming out right. At lunch, I accidentally spilled coffee on my clothes and felt demoralized and frustrated by what was happening to me. I left tired, thinking that I would return home.

But then something unexpected happened. My neighbor, who is usually so reserved, saw me walking down the driveway and stopped me.

— “Honey, did you have a hard day?” He asked me, with a gentle smile.

— I agreed and briefly told him some of the trials I had been through.

— Instead of just listening to me indifferently, she took me by the hand and said:
— Don’t be discouraged, girl. Tomorrow is another day.
— And you know what? You are young, smart, and hardworking. You’ll get over it, you’ll see.

Photo by Helena Lopes on Unsplash

On the way home, I thought about the power of a good word, said at the right time. My neighbor’s words gave me exactly what I needed — encouragement and a bit of perspective.

Her simple act of kindness put a smile on my face and brightened my day.

This made me think about how many other similar situations can exist every day. How many people struggling with the difficulties of life could be helped and cheered by a friendly smile or a kind word, a simple gesture that brings so much hope and joy?

I’ve decided that from now on I’ll try to pay more attention to opportunities to spread some warmth through small acts of kindness.

A sincere smile to a person who looks sad. A few words of encouragement for someone in need.

Because, after all, it costs nothing to be good and kind, but it can mean everything to someone who needs a little hope.

Thank you all, and think about the power of a smile or a kind word said when you need it!!!

