A motivation booster for beginners

And anyone kind enough can do it.

R'gn Writes
Write A Catalyst


Photo by Mika Baumeister on Unsplash

Most people need a little push as an encouragement. It could be simple words that show support to our ideas, or a simple gesture showing appreciation for our small accomplishments. Whichever form it may come from, one thing is for sure, it is the most effective booster!

I finished my degree without enough exposure in different software basically used in our fields. I started working knowing only the basic of AutoCAD, without any exposure in using Sketchup. I openly told my colleagues that I only knew the basic commands. I kindly asked them to teach me more, and sometimes I’ll just practice while watching tutorials from YouTube. That’s the case in learning AutoCAD.

But, in learning Sketchup, I did it alone. I just wanted to try and decided to install it. I started from simple boxes to a complete house structure. It took me a day before I can finally say that I know how to use Sketchup.

One of our heads, saw me practicing. From a simple perspective to a complete one. He saw the progress. He kept remarking my progress, which fueled me in doing better.



R'gn Writes
Write A Catalyst

I talk about anything under the sun. Whatever matters, I'll put it down to writing.