A Trick of the Light

Amy Grech
Write A Catalyst
Published in
2 min readJun 1, 2024


A heartwarming goodbye

A trick of the light
gave me a fright
on a hot summer’s night.

With the living room of my
apartment pitch black…
I nearly had a heart attack
when a luminous, white sphere
the size of an orange did appear,
hovering near the window.
The ephemeral orb held my gaze —
oh, did it amaze.

I had just returned from Long Island
where my father lay in the hospital
in dire need of critical care with a most
grim prognosis: pulmonary fibrosis.

It quickly became painfully clear
his end was near.
As a full-time freelancer, I
couldn’t stay in his hour of need,
an unfortunate victim of corporate greed.
My clients were only so understanding,
before they became ruthless and demanding.

Soon to be out of a job,
much to my dismay,
back to Brooklyn I went.



Amy Grech
Write A Catalyst

Amy Grech has sold over 100 stories to various anthologies. She is an Active Member of the Horror Writers Association. https://www.crimsonscreams.com.