Aargh!! A Scam Again


James Kidiga
Write A Catalyst


Photo by Zanyar Ibrahim on Unsplash

I love being online to learn and explore a lot, but it’s very important to be careful.

Recently, my friend Bin Jiang experienced something here, just like I experienced a few weeks ago.

Bin Jiang, a prominent writer here on Medium, was excited to receive a comment from a prominent figure on the platform, Buster Benson, a Medium Staff member.

Screenshot from Bin's Post

Bin was happy as he eagerly clicked on the notification, hoping for validation and recognition of his work.

However, he what ensued was a rollercoaster of emotions that left him hesitant and ultimately disappointed.

Upon opening the notification, Bin Jiang's initial excitement quickly turned to skepticism. Something felt off.

Screenshot from Bin's post

He decided to investigate further by checking Buster Benson's profile, only to find discrepancies that heightened his doubts.

It dawned on him that he might have fallen victim to a fake or clone account impersonating the real…



James Kidiga
Write A Catalyst

An education professional and digital lad striving toward Career Growth, Innovation, Digital Literacy, Leadership, and Personal Development.