About Me: Where I’m From, My Writing Journey and Beyond.

Hannah H
Write A Catalyst
Published in
4 min read2 days ago
Photo by Gift Habeshaw on Unsplash

Tell us about yourself.

Introduce yourself.

How would you describe yourself?

Whenever these questions were posed in a job interview or during the first day of school, my insides would turn to mush at the thought of speaking about myself to random strangers.

To this end, I would curate a version of myself that best suited the expectations of those around me.

However, as I continue to create the life I desire, I no longer seek to provide answers to satisfy others but allow myself to be portrayed most authentically.

With that said, I welcome you to enjoy this genuine “About Me” post.

My name is Hannah, and I’m writing this article from Barbados, a country that has molded and inspired me, therefore contributing to a key aspect of my identity.

Photo by Jessica Felicio on Unsplash

I turned 24 this year, and while I like to reminisce on earlier moments of my life, I’m training my mind to embrace this new stage.

I have two brothers whom I love dearly, one who is directly related to me and another who came into our family through unexpected circumstances. Through prank wars and hilarious moments, I’m thankful to have them in my life.

I also greatly appreciate other members of my immediate family such as my mother and father who play a key role in my life.

Through examining my childhood, I can confidently say that I’m not someone who thoroughly enjoyed school as it relates to the burdening expectations, I mainly enjoyed socializing with my friends.

Photo by Jarritos Mexican Soda on Unsplash

Therefore, in my first year of University, I experienced a moment of stagnation as I was unsure of the degree I was pursuing. Nevertheless, I formed lasting memories and created friendships that have grown and prospered over the years.

I adore placing a smile on the faces of those around me whether that may be through gift-giving or spending quality time with friends. This is one of the primary reasons why I cherish the friendships and relationships in my life.

Additionally, I’m an ambivert — I enjoy my alone time and relish getting to know myself, but I also look forward to being surrounded by friends or family and participating in fun activities.

Photo by Nappy on Unsplash

I’m also incredibly passionate about movies, from the cinematography to the plot and the characters. Movies are one of my favorite forms of escapism, given that I’m whisked away to another world for an hour or two.

While psychological thrillers are my preferred genre, I’m also a fan of slashers such as “Scream” and “Urban Legend”.

Random Facts:

  1. I am a HUGE fan of Dr. Pepper. I recently discovered this drink and constantly keep a few cans in the fridge.
  2. I’m terrified of rollercoasters. I experienced a chaotic rollercoaster ride at Disney World and from that moment, I no longer wanted to participate in this mind-bending activity.
  3. Singing at the top of my lungs while driving is something I will always enjoy doing. In the confines of the car, I’m having my personal concert.

How Did I Start Writing:

From a young age, I used writing as a creative outlet to release my jumbled thoughts onto paper and clear my mind. From song lyrics to creative short stories and daily journal entries, I’ve always embraced the idea of placing my words onto the page.

Nowadays, most of my days begin with Bible Study and prayer, before opening my laptop and typing the first thoughts that come to mind.

Some days, I stare at a blank page while other days, the articles write themselves. Regardless, I aim to put my best foot forward and create articles that will resonate with others.

Photo by Windows on Unsplash

Upon joining Medium, I have allowed my writing to flourish by engaging with this wonderful community of encouraging individuals willing to connect and share their thoughts and stories.

My goal with writing is to turn this into a profitable career, one where I help others achieve their objectives whether that may be through ghostwriting or content writing.

Thank you for reading this article.

I hope you got to know me better. :)

This story is a part of The About Me Contest hosted by the publication: Write a Catalyst.



Hannah H
Write A Catalyst

Hi! I'm Hannah from Barbados🇧🇧. I write about movies and other topics that pop into my mind. For freelance inquires contact me: hannahanne-marie@outlook.com