Are These People Angels? They are Gods? What Are They? And Why Should You Lower Your Self . To Their Standards?

The maker made your unique, he made no other like you. Highlight your importance

Eshal Fatima
Write A Catalyst
3 min readApr 24, 2024


In a world where social hierarchies and perceptions often dictate our interactions, it’s not uncommon to come across individuals who seem to wield an otherworldly influence over those around them. Whether it’s their charisma, power, or seemingly flawless demeanor, these people can leave us questioning our own worth and significance. But before we hastily label them as angels or gods, it’s crucial to delve deeper into what truly defines them and why we shouldn’t necessarily aspire to their standards.

Firstly, let’s address the notion of these individuals being angels or gods. While it’s tempting to attribute divine qualities to those who exude exceptional charm or authority, it’s essential to recognize their humanity. They are not celestial beings or deities but rather ordinary people who have honed certain skills or traits that set them apart. Whether it’s through years of practice, natural talent, or sheer luck, they’ve managed to cultivate an image of superiority that can be both alluring and intimidating.

So, what are they, then? They are individuals who have mastered the art of perception. They understand how to present themselves in a way that commands respect and admiration from others. They may possess charisma, intelligence, or a combination of various traits that make them stand out in social settings. However, it’s crucial to remember that behind the facade lies a human being with their own flaws, insecurities, and struggles. They are not infallible, nor should they be placed on a pedestal above everyone else.

Now, why should you lower yourself to their standards? The short answer: you shouldn’t. While it’s natural to feel compelled to emulate those who seem to have it all together, it’s essential to maintain your authenticity and integrity.

Trying to conform to someone else’s standards only diminishes your sense of self-worth and individuality. Instead of striving to be like them, focus on discovering and nurturing your unique talents and qualities.

Moreover, it’s crucial to recognize that everyone has their own journey and path in life.

Comparing yourself to others only leads to unnecessary feelings of inadequacy and resentment. Instead of viewing these individuals as unattainable ideals, see them as sources of inspiration and motivation. Learn from their successes and failures, but ultimately chart your course based on your values and aspirations.

while it’s easy to be mesmerized by individuals who seem to possess superhuman qualities, it’s essential to remember that they are just like us — flawed, imperfect, and inherently human. Rather than idolizing or emulating them, focus on cultivating your unique talents and staying true to yourself. After all, true greatness lies not in conforming to someone else’s standards but in embracing who you are and striving to become the best version of yourself.

