Write A Catalyst
Published in
1 min readMay 27, 2024


Are You Happy With Your life? See Jackie Chan’s Response

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I was thrilled by Jackie Chan’s response to this question.

In an interview, Jackie Chan was asked, "Jackie, are you happy with your life?" Jackie Chan replied, "You know, I once heard some very wise words. The difficult job you complain about is the dream of someone who's unemployed. The mischievous child that tests your patience is the dream of the childless.

The small house you think is too cramped is the dream of someone who's homeless. The modest savings you worry over are the dream of those drowning in debt. The health issues you consider burdensome are the dream of someone fighting a terminal illness.

The fact that your mistakes are not on display for the world to see is the dream of those haunted by their past. The peace of mind you have, the restful sleep you enjoy, the meal you easily access. These are dreams for those living in war-torn regions. We must cherish everything we have. After all, nobody knows what tomorrow might bring."

Thanks for reading.



Write A Catalyst

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