Balancing Creativity With Commercial Demands: How To Thrive

Sebastian's Studio
Write A Catalyst
Published in
2 min readJun 20, 2024


Photo by Tim Gouw on Unsplash

Have you ever felt like your creative spirit is crushed by the pressure of commercial demands?

I get that.

Balancing the demands of creative and commercial writing is a challenge, but it can also be incredibly rewarding if you think about it.

Every day, I dive into writing and editing technical content for people way smarter than me in various technical disciplines (Oceanography, Utility Locating, Engineering, etc.)

It can be tedious, sure, but it’s also been a great way to expand my writing skillset and it’s taught me how to serve different audiences.

I remember the first time I had to help edit a detailed technical article about dowsing rods. It was the most boring topic I could have ever imagined writing about. A complete creativity buzz-kill.

Yet, it taught me how one unique and well-written piece of content can stand the test of time.

Years later, this article is driving 1/3rd of our organic traffic toward one of our sites.


One “boring article” taught me more about SEO in the age of AI than any course I could have taken.

And there’s other creative benefits to writing for a technical audience that I



Sebastian's Studio
Write A Catalyst

Becoming a better creative every day and sharing what I learn. | Digital Content Strategist | Writer | 10+ years driving growth for brands online. 🇺🇸🇲🇽