Write A Catalyst
Published in
2 min readMar 2, 2024


Be the calm in the storm.

Image by ANDRI TEGAR MAHARDIKA from Pixabay

Make your heart like a lake, with calm, a still surface, and great depths of kindness.”
— Laozi

Chaos-infused thought makes it impossible to stay in balance. Maintaining your composure in life might be difficult, just like traveling to the moon, but both are achievable if you give things enough time. Being naturally calm is difficult; thus, not everyone has it because it necessitates the absence of anger from one's life. 
When we were frustrated, our emotions were at their strongest, making it challenging to control and steer them in the proper direction. Conversely, those with greater composure managed even challenging circumstances due to their thoughtful behavior.
As per my father's explanation, the reason one should always choose calmness over fury is that when one is angry and anxious, even the most significant options to deal with the situation never occur to them, but when one is calm, they can utilize the smallest opportunities to tackle the most significant ones. 
Remember that life is genuinely great only for those who contribute to its beauty. Though there aren't many ways to make life easier, it's still a good idea to consider other solutions when things get unpleasant. For example, instead of dwelling on the negative parts of having a lot of work on your plate, which is certainly frustrating, consider the bright side of things, such as the fact that it was provided to you because you were the only one who could manage it well, which will definitely lift your mood within a minute. 
Although we cannot predict the unpredictability of life as it can come from anywhere, what we could do in that situation is control our mindset, perspective, and attitude so that when it comes, we'll be ready beforehand to tackle it well.

