Brand activation for small businesses

Alen Thomas
Write A Catalyst
Published in
4 min readFeb 27, 2024

Brand activation is about creating and reinforcing an image about the brand (obviously a positive one, if you want more customers else don’t worry about it.😉) That is exactly why any small business needs to do that.

In more technical terms, brand activation can be defined as a process or set of processes that involve creating experiences or events that bring a brand to life and leave a significant impression on the desired audience.

Let us try to understand it clearly,

Activating your brand is exactly what it sounds like, activating. It’s the phase in which your brand is exposed to the public and this is very crucial to any business. It can be done using various ways like launch events, in-store launches, single industry experts and influencers, social media campaigns, etc.. Brand Activation is not about making an impression alone. It’s more about creating an emotional connection between the brand and its audience.

Brand activations make it easier to retain customers, increase buyback rates, increase customer loyalty and promotions, increase sales, etc.

Brand activation, unlike marketing activation, is not about planning and executing some campaigns out to the public. It is about bringing the brand to life, brand activation focuses more on creating positive interactions with customers/audiences.

Isn’t brand activation a costly affair?

Well, the truth is it depends on the type and scale of the brand and the goals of the business. Brand activations aren’t completely dependent on capital spending. It’s more about the creativity & an experience that the brand creates at its introduction. It has a lot to do with establishing a first impression that lasts. That said I am not steering you into a direction where you can do it for free. I don’t mean that brand activations can be done free of cost but what I mean is you can definitely do it cost effective.

Brand Activation is not about making an impression alone. It’s more about creating an emotional connection between the brand and its audience.

An open sign board in front of a shop. Source: Unsplash

Why a small business needs to do that?

Well for the very reasons I mentioned before.

Brand activations make it easier to retain customers, increase buyback rates, increase customer loyalty and promotions, increase sales, etc.

A local business or ‘not a local’ small business can benefit from it as it can help drive in more customers easily and the advocacy of the brand will be folds higher. Using brand activation small businesses can foster meaningful connections with customers while maximising the limited resources.

How to do it?

Whether or not a small business, the drill is quite the same.

  1. You start to identify who your target customer/ audience is. That is how you will know what they want, and what some common problems they are facing with a business similar to yours. is there anything that frustrates them etc…
  2. Now develop a brand identity. If you already have one check if it works out with your target audience. Test them! If you have few friends that fall in the definition of your target audience do show them a creative/poster/ ad that is one with the identity you have created. Take their insights and iterate.
  3. Now set a clear objective. Why are you doing this? Is it to drive sales, build awareness, increase customer loyalty…. think why.
  4. Now think and plan some tactics that will work for your target audience. Will an event help to reach them, will a social media campaign work, will in-store promotion work…
  5. Now think about what resources are available to you at the budget you are working on. Can you do an event, if not can you sponsor one, is there an exhibition you can go to… Think if you can combine a few probable options like an event and a social media campaign.
  6. Consider collaborating with other small businesses.
  7. Now measure the success of the activation, and iterate to achieve more.

Some Strategies for Effective Brand Activation

Local events, workshops, and exhibitions can be a great place to introduce your brand and increase awareness and sales as well. This will also help to position the brand easily.

Interactive campaigns like quizzes, contests, and challenges will also help as it will encourage audience participation and engagement

Partnering with influencers and local celebrities will help create a strong awareness as it will influence the purchase decisions of customers. Also, this will help to reach new audiences and drive in more customers.

Offering Ordinary rewards or Experiential Rewards will also help with participation, engagement, and promotions as well. Ordinary rewards can include discounts, waivers, promotional offers, gifts, etc.. Experiential rewards can include access to events, clubs, personalized consultations, etc.. creating a sense of exclusivity and loyalty among customers.

Brand activation presents small businesses with a powerful opportunity to connect with customers, drive brand affinity, and ultimately, propel business growth.

Brand activation, unlike marketing activation, is not about planning and executing some campaigns out to the public.

Small businesses can benefit from brand activations as it will help them to create a strong and compelling brand presence with limited resources. Also, this will help them stand out in the market and differentiate them easily.

What do you think about brand activations? If you have any experience with brand activations do share it.



Alen Thomas
Write A Catalyst

A designer, an artist and sometimes a zealous thinker who is obsessed with images and randomly curious about this or that.