Busyness Is The Cure For Everything

Embracing Productivity to Find Fulfillment and Heal the Soul

Wayne Shi
Write A Catalyst
3 min readApr 26, 2024


Photo by Stockcake

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Kazuo Inamori said,

Being busy is the best medicine for everything.

When a person is busy, they don’t indulge in aimless worries or dwell on the past.

As one becomes purposefully and systematically occupied, they gradually realize that idleness brings trouble, while being busy solves a thousand sorrows.

Humans are born to be busy.

Never let comfort and ease halt your progress.

It is through being busy that we enrich and improve ourselves, giving life more meaning.

Boredom can breed many negative emotions.

Complaining and being melodramatic can make life miserable and unbearable, making days feel like years.

So, it’s better to be tired than to be idle.

Keep yourself busy, away from idleness and laziness, and enjoy the fulfillment and satisfaction that comes from being occupied.

I have a relative who lost her husband and beloved daughter in a car accident, and she was once heartbroken and found it hard to move on from her grief.

People around her advised her to put down her work and lead a more leisurely life to ease her mind.

But my relative didn’t believe that leisure would make everything better.

So, to divert her sorrow, she arranged her life to be very fulfilling.

She insists on exercising daily, reading newspapers, tending to her garden, actively participating in community activities, volunteering, and helping the elderly in her community.

Eventually, she became the head of the community.

Life will always encounter setbacks and obstacles that catch you off guard.

At such times, it’s good to keep yourself busy, starting with the smallest tasks.

Cleaning the house, doing laundry, mopping the floor, or even making a meal with care can heal emotional wounds.

As long as one is alive, one should always be doing something.

Wherever you spend your time, that’s where you’ll see a return.

All the people and things that keep you busy can alleviate your anxiety, soothe your pain, and ultimately heal your life.

90% of a person’s worries come from aimless thinking.

The more idle a person is, the more likely they are to feel lost and confused.

Instead, the sense of fulfillment during busy times can make a person forget many troubles and become positive, energetic, and proactive.

All human suffering is essentially anger at one’s own incompetence.

Don’t dwell on the past, nor worry about the future.

The way to overcome fear is to face it and then defeat it step by step.

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Wayne Shi
Write A Catalyst

[⭐️Editor of Follower Booster Hub⭐️] tech guy as a senior cloud systems engineer. I also enjoy sharing what I have learned and experienced with others.