Can’t Afford a Gym Membership? Do This Instead.

Ghulam Rasool
Write A Catalyst
Published in
4 min readFeb 5, 2024

Go out in nature, it doesn’t cost any money.

A person confused cannot afford gym due to not having a money.
Image by Author using

Two years back, my money pocket got tight. Suddenly, the gym, which was important for keeping me fit and happy, felt too expensive.

It was clear that I needed a new plan to stay active and fit without spending much money.

At first, the thought of not having a gym was scary. But then, I looked around and saw the biggest gym I could ever ask for…

The outdoors.

Yes, because it was everywhere and didn’t cost me a penny, which is exactly what I was looking for...

So, the next day I woke up early in the morning and went to the park which was very close to my house.

Mehdi Hassan Park in Karachi
Mehdi Hassan Park in Karachi

I simply began my workout by jogging in the park, feeling relaxed and free.

I wasn’t counting any reps or staring at a wall like we do at the gym.

Instead, I had trees, the sky, and a friendly cat for company. With every jog, my stress seemed to melt away, and I felt more connected to the world.

Image from iStock

Next, I started getting ideas for my workout. Park benches weren’t just for sitting anymore, instead, I started utilizing them for my push-ups and dips.

Unknown credit

Playground swings became my go-to for leg lifts, core work, and pull-ups.

It was like the park had now transformed into my personal gym, with equipment I’d never noticed before.

However, I didn’t stop there. Later, I found a community garden, which didn’t seem to be a workout spot for me at first, but gardening there a few times a week turned out to be a great exercise…

Digging, planting, and weeding were all physically demanding tasks that kept me moving and helped me build strength.

And the best part? I wasn’t alone anymore.

Image by Greg Rosenke from Unsplash

I used to share some of my activities on Instagram stories, which made my 2 friends motivated and they started joining me for jogs and workout sessions.

Together, we explored new parks and trails, which made our each workout an adventure.

We supported each other, laughed, and grew stronger together.

Through this journey, I learned that:

  1. You don’t need a gym to stay in shape. Going outside in parks can give you endless possibilities for fitness.
  2. Exercise can be a way to explore and appreciate nature, not just a task to check off.
  3. Exercising in nature with fitness buddies can make your workouts more fun and motivating.
Image by Aziz Acharki from Unsplash

I also noticed changes in myself. Physically, I was fitter. But mentally, I was happier and more relaxed.

The worries about gym fees were gone, replaced by the joy of being active outdoors.

Now, I wrote this story just to inspire you. If the cost of a gym is holding you back, just keep in mind, that there’s a whole world of nature outside waiting for you.

You can go jogging in your local park, do bodyweight exercises, or find a community garden, all while staying fit, having fun, and saving money.

That is it!

Thank You for reading my story, If you found any part here inspiring or have your own experiences to share, I’d love to hear from you in the comments :)

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Ghulam Rasool
Write A Catalyst

18, I love to write on health, weatlh, relationships, diet, marketing and much more. I hope you fall in love with my words. 🙋‍♂️