Celebrating Woman


Happy Woman’s Day

Pic Credit : Canva

Light of the day lits up the play

Lulling lullabies lost on the way

Summer shades stationed in a row

Serenading the soul embarked in flow

River gushing with full vigor

Not perching, lest lose its rigor

Wonder grain born on land

Feeds billions in her own barn

Such is the nectar held in hand

We sieve the whole wide world

For a shower that is grand

Time has come to take a bow

To salute the director of the show

  • woman

Brindha Venkataramani

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Brindha Venkataramani
Write A Catalyst

A Software professional who writes on subjects related to Happiness and well-being in general. https://medium.com/@brindhav/about-me-052aa6a662b4