Cheap Dopamine Sucks

Your brain doesn’t need more fleeting weekend pleasures

Ravinder Singh
Write A Catalyst
3 min readSep 27, 2024


Photo by Robina Weermeijer on Unsplash

Your brain doesn’t need more cheap dopamine. What it really craves is connection, sunlight, and some good, old-fashioned joy — the kind that doesn’t come from a screen.

Cheap Dopamine? It’s everywhere, easy to get, but too much of it makes you feel sluggish, mentally and emotionally.

Those endless social media scrolls, binge-watching shows, or that next notification? They’re the brain’s equivalent of candy — quick bursts of satisfaction that leave you feeling hollow afterwards.

What your brain truly needs are real, fulfilling experiences that nourish it. So, let’s break it down.

Connections (The Power Boost Your Brain Craves)

Think of your brain like a battery. It can’t stay charged by simply sitting in front of a screen.

It needs real-world connections, meaningful conversations, and laughter that re-energizes it. That’s the kind of fuel your brain requires to keep running at full power.

Sunshine (Nature’s Antidepressant)

You wouldn’t keep a houseplant in a closet, right? Your brain is just like that plant. It needs sunshine to thrive. Step outside, feel the sun on your face, and suddenly everything feels a little more manageable.

Sunshine boosts serotonin, which is like dopamine’s classy cousin — longer-lasting, healthier, and way better at making you feel good.

Nature (The Brain’s Natural Reset Button)

Think of nature as your brain’s “control-alt-delete.” You don’t need to hike a mountain to get the benefits.

Even a walk around the block can clear your head. Nature helps lower stress, improve mood, and reset your brain after too much screen time.

Rest (Because Even Machines Need to Reboot)

You wouldn’t leave your phone on 24/7 and expect it to work perfectly, right? Your brain is the same.

It needs rest. Sleep, naps, or even just doing nothing for a bit can recharge you. Rest isn’t laziness — it’s a necessary reboot.

Exercise (The Original Mood Enhancer)

Think of exercise as nature’s answer to all those quick dopamine fixes. A good workout does wonders for your brain chemistry.

It gets the blood pumping, clears out mental fog, and releases endorphins that last way longer than a social media hit. Plus, you get the added bonus of feeling strong and capable.

Good Food (Fuel, Not Filler)

Ever tried playing a video game with a laggy connection? It’s frustrating and limits your performance. Your brain is the same.

Cheap dopamine is like playing with a poor signal (sugar, junk food), while real food is like a strong, reliable connection. Fresh fruits, veggies, and whole grains keep your brain operating smoothly and at its best.

Music (The Heartbeat of the Brain)

Music is like a secret weapon for your mood. The right song can turn your day around. Whether it’s a chill playlist or something to dance to, music has this incredible power to boost your mental state without any side effects.

Music is life, that’s why your heart has beats.

The brain is a lot like a pet

If you feed it junk and leave it unattended, it’s going to act out. But give it what it really needs — connection, nature, rest, exercise, good food, and music — and watch how much happier and healthier it becomes.



Ravinder Singh
Write A Catalyst

I write about self improvement, nutrition, fitness and life lessons | Connect with me: