Conflicts to Connection

Practical Tips for Focusing on the Issue.

Rosemary A.G
Write A Catalyst
1 min read2 days ago


Photo by Afif Ramdhasuma on Unsplash

From my devotional study today, according to the scripture in Proverbs 22:10, which says “Drive out the mocker," conflict will leave. Quarrels and insults will stop.When conflicts arise, it's easy to attack the other person's character or personality. However, this approach only escalates the conflict. Instead, we should focus on the issue at hand, avoiding personal attacks and criticisms.

Here are some tips to help you focus on the issue:

1. Define the problem clearly.

2. Avoid generalisations.

3. Stick to the facts.

4. Use "I" statements instead of "you" statements.5. Seek a solution together.

By focusing on the issue, not the person, you can resolve conflicts more effectively, build trust and understanding, and strengthen your relationships.

Illustration:James and his sister are having a conflict about sharing family resources. Instead of attacking each other’s character, they focus on finding a fair solution that works.

Practice focusing on the issue, not the person, in your next conversation with a family member or your friend.



Rosemary A.G
Write A Catalyst

I am a Public and Community Health Practitioner who is interested in Relationship & Self Worth