Craft 3.0: My Thoughts on the Best Update Yet
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As 2024 draws to a close, I’m settling into the cozy rhythm of reflection that accompanies this time of year. Between the joy and chaos of my professional life and my passion for writing, I’ve found solace in watching my favorite digital tools evolve. At the top of my list, shining brighter than ever, is Craft. With the release of Craft 3.0, it’s not merely ahead of the game; it’s rewriting the rules of productivity tools altogether.
Craft has always been about the little things — those iterative enhancements that make us all fall in love with it a bit more each time. The excitement around Craft 3.0 is not just hype; it’s real, palpable, and well-deserved. As someone who’s had the privilege of being an early beta tester and a devoted user, I’ve always seen Craft as my go-to hub for everything — note-taking, task management, personal knowledge management (PKM), you name it. With Craft 3.0, I feel those dreams coming to life.