Creative Freedom And Freelancing

The One Good Thing About Freelancing

Farooq's Opinion
Write A Catalyst
4 min readAug 13, 2024


Creative freedom for most people stays only with their portfolio. You can’t get creative when you actually start working for the company.

They don’t want your creativity, and they don’t have any creativity, but they are going to squeeze you until they get what they please.

Most of the time they don’t have anything in mind. This is what makes it even worse.

Photo by Ian Schneider on Unsplash

But this is not the case with freelancing. You can go all in with your creativity and give your clients the best experience.

You are following your passion, so you won’t be let down.

That’s the fairytale for most freelancers.

Sorry for dropping it suddenly.

But most freelancers starting out, think their clients will appreciate their creativity and they can win hearts with their creativity.

Here is the bitter truth:

Your clients want to see your creativity but don’t want your creativity.

But I wouldn’t say, it is not possible.

It mostly depends on the client you want to work with, so choose wisely.

Photo by Lacie Slezak on Unsplash

Creative Freedom In Freelancing:

Creative freedom in freelancing means having the ability to choose the projects that excite you and experiment with new ideas.

Well, this is not the case especially when you are starting out. Because, as a freelancer, it is hugely important to onboard your first client and build out your portfolio.

So, don’t be picky at the start, but I know some people will tell you otherwise.

Understand this is only the case with seasoned freelancers who can afford it. They choose the client they want to work with, but to start out, someone must choose you first.

Don’t believe everything you see online.

You can choose clients you want to work with, but for that, you need a client who can take time to understand your value, which most business owners can’t afford in this fast-moving world.

Photo by Austin Distel on Unsplash

Niching Down:

This is the most important thing for almost any freelancer starting out. Of course, I know every you come across online about freelancing has boasted enough about this.

At first, try to get projects. Then Niche down.

That way, you can find the niche that you can go all in with your creativity.

Some niches are very narrow, so it is important to choose this wisely so that your creative juices don't run out after working on several projects.

Photo by Sarah Kilian on Unsplash

Setting Boundaries and Managing Expectations

When choosing your client, have an upfront meeting and clearly communicate your boundaries and what they can expect.

Some clients feel much worse than your 9–5 boss, who triggered the idea of freelancing in your mind in the first place.

Setting these boundaries helps prevent misunderstandings and ensures that you have the creative space you need to produce your best work.

Once this goes wrong, everything will go wrong. Be mindful of this stage of your freelancing journey.

Photo by Austin Distel on Unsplash

To Wrap It Up..

Creative freedom is one of the most attractive aspects of freelancing, but it’s not always as straightforward as it looks.

Also, freelancing doesn’t mean following your passion. Freelancing is a business lifestyle, and passion is about your career.

Don’t confuse this!

As you build your freelance career, be prepared to balance between creative freedom and client expectations. This is the key to a successful freelancing journey.

So, that’s it for now!

Until then, bye-bye!

I will try to post as often as I can.

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Farooq's Opinion
Write A Catalyst

A Freelance copywriter on a self-improvement journey! I am writing to disappear!