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Debunking Feminism

Write A Catalyst


Ever wondered about the origin of criminals, murders, psychopaths, rapists, robbers, human traffickers, misogynists, racists, abusers, drug addicts and paedofiles? Its a common saying: criminals are not born, they are made. Society is the source of all the evil but what really shapes the society? The answer is simple, family is the basic unit of life. When families fail to raise and nurture emotionaly stable individual with strong values than consequences are faced by individuals and society as a whole. Society is the collection of indviduals who learn values, practices, norms and ethics through the institution of family.

Radical feminist ideologies will highlight gendered historical disparities in power dynamics between men and women. Family is seen as a tool of patriarchy to control women’s sexuality and curb their freedom but what really do they offer as a solution? Feminists view of men as wicked, oppressors and priviledged is not the solution but just persistent emphasize of problem. Values are transferred through families to which women are a crucial part and all the heirarchical inequalities are produced by traditional cultural values transmitted to individuals through families not men.

The individualistic perspective of gender desparities is causing more damage than benefit. Men and women are at continuous odds with each other and they are the units of family. Can you expect a company to thrive whose stakeholders are at continuous odds with each others. However professionals are taught conflict management, active listening, cooperation, communication and adaptibility to thrive in corporate sector but the stake holders of animate world are taught to confront not cooperate.

This lack of coopeartion between carriers of life is the core of problem. Men and women should have been focused on raising balanced, grounded and emotionaly stable individuals. These individuals would have make a more egalitarian and just society. These individuals would have good mental health and less depression, sadness and anxiety. What we have now except depression, anxiety, sadness, divorces and competition. Is it really benefiting anyone?

Governments don’t give a damn about psychological health of individuals in society. They only concern about the material progress and corporate drones. We should be having human development and human connection education as part of curriculum. There should be investment in parenting education to teach necessary skills and cooperation. Men and women should become allies not enemies, they should complement not compete.

At the core of everything lies a simple truth: to heal society, we must start with the family. By nurturing and strengthening families, we can build more compassionate communities and, ultimately, a healthier, more connected world. Rather than fueling conflict and division, we should focus on fostering understanding and unity within families, placing the well-being of the next generation above material pursuits or short-lived ideologies.

Our greatest responsibility as humans is the care of future generations. And that responsibility begins, not in government offices or business ventures, but in the home — with the family.



Write A Catalyst

For human, From human, to Human. Curious thinker, Passionate writer, Reader and book analyst. Ready to delve into the worlds of Us!