Depression in Couple — A Disease Transmitted Through Words.🫣

The cognitive model of depression tells us that the affected person will have dysfunctional negative beliefs about himself, the world and the future.

Write A Catalyst
3 min readMay 15, 2024


Photo by Fernando @cferdophotography on Unsplash

Every couple goes through different trials

  • Couple life can be affected by a constellation of factors, both internal and external. The relationship will go through ups and downs, the situations will be shaped by the personalities of the partners, their vulnerabilities and coping methods.

Depression is an ordeal worthy of consideration, even contagious. The first partner affected by depression becomes unrecognizable. The second one tries at best to adapt to the new operating conditions of the relationship, but he can also be affected by depression.

An example of depression in a couple:

  • Here is just one illustrative example of the change in relationship dynamics following the appearance of this disorder:

Maria and Alin are a married couple. Maria suffers from depression, Alin notices and tries to support her by taking over the household tasks. By limiting interactions, Maria tries to protect the other family members, including the children, in order not to infect them with a negative state.

But these good intentions do not lead to the expected result: Maria develops learned helplessness, Alin no longer copes with tasks at the office and at home, he feels abandoned, Maria prefers to spend time alone. Alin also becomes depressed, a shadow of what he used to be.

Couples therapy for depression.

Fortunately, there are methods scientifically proven to be effective in treating depression. Depending on the severity, psychotherapy is combined with medication or they can be used individually.

Couples therapy can be recommended because in addition to curing the partner most affected by depression, while he feels supported by the other in the counseling process, both partners will learn more effective coping strategies, how to communicate better with each other another. In other words, they will develop together strategies to cope with depression.

Benefits of therapy include revising communication, problem-solving, and decision-making skills. While they will reduce their level of anger or other negative feelings, the frequency of positive behaviors such as smiling, appreciating, hugging will increase.

Irritability — symptom of depression

Depression can be found in other forms besides a passive one. The partner suffering from depression can become aggressive, argumentative, critical and the biggest mistake is denial, not acknowledging the disorder to the partner. The other member of the couple will be upset, will blame themselves for the problems in the relationship, will be demoralized, nervous, full of resentment and finally will try to escape.

It cannot be said that depression leads to divorce, but inappropriate methods of dealing with problems lead to divorce. Extramarital affairs, giving up the job, the absence of the other partner from the social life, only make things worse.

The couple must remain a team, aware that the enemy is the disease, and not the partner with depression. Moreover, the disorder should not be confused with the problems in the relationship, the decision to separate is recommended to be postponed after the end of the therapeutic sessions.

Living with a depressed person who is often unhappy, critical and negative is not easy. It is very important for the supportive partner to show receptivity, to encourage his partner to talk about what he thinks, what he feels, what he is going to do.

However, it is easier to overcome depression as a couple

  • In conclusion, depression in a couple can be quite a challenge. But it depends on the mutual support of the members to fight against it, and with the help of a psychologist to succeed in combating it.

Confidence, empathy, perseverance and optimism are necessary allies in the fight against depression.




Write A Catalyst

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