Deserts Are A Bankruptcy Declaration And Climate Change Enhancer

What lies behind sand deserts? A story of ecological disaster.

Coach Daniel @SanaTerraFarm
Write A Catalyst


Photo by Carlos Leret on Unsplash

Have you seen documentaries about the Sahara Desert, the Gobi Desert, or others?

Fascinating. Right?

The creatures, lizards, and insects have adapted to these tough conditions. They are admirable.

But what most of us don’t think about is the question “Where does the desert come from?”

And what is it good for?

Climate change is all over the media. Scientists have presented us with dubious evidence to show that we’ve caused this climate change. Anyone who has paid attention for 5 minutes in physics and chemistry class, knows this is nonsense.

CO2 is the elixir of life on our planet, and thus the basis of all plant growth.

Years ago, as a professional gardener, I helped to gas the greenhouses with CO2 in the evenings. So that the plants grow faster…

What’s more, only 0.04% of it is present in the atmosphere. It’s hard to believe that a percentage so small can have such a big effect on such a complex structure.

Why are there deserts?



Coach Daniel @SanaTerraFarm
Write A Catalyst

🏡The FARMISH Life & Business Coach, Writer & Public Speaker🏡 Helping you design true success with Nature, so you can live untamed, authentically, and free.