Do This To Stop Dreading Every New Week

Feranmi Okuku
Write A Catalyst
Published in
3 min readMay 20, 2024

Monday Blues has got nothing on you with this…

Photo by Fernando Brasil on Unsplash

It’s Sunday afternoon and suddenly you realise that it is 3 pm already; the first thought that comes to your mind is ‘Tomorrow is Monday’.

Does this sound like you? Then you should read on because I will be sharing simple but effective blueprint that worked for me.

First Things First…

You need to find out what makes you dread either the week or the start of the week. You can’t keep dealing with the nervousness and panic attacks that come from the thought of a new week, it is detrimental to your mental health and overall wellbeing. What thought/memory triggers that change of mood? Note it down.

Here is the thing…

At this point, I have to be realistic enough to state that your reason will be different from mine, however, this does not mean it still won’t work for you. Read on to know how I was to face each new week more optimistically and energetically.

After realising what caused the dreadfulness, I realised that if care was not taken imposter syndrome would overtake me. I went back to my affirmations to remind myself of who I am and not what the situation is making me out to be.

When my mind was a bit stable, I knew that I had to assess the situation that caused me dread as objectively as possible. Some questions I had myself was:

  • Is there any point where I was at fault?
  • Is there any way I can do better?
  • What do I need to stop?
  • Is there a way to stop this dread, if that is impossible, in what healthy ways can I cope with the situation?
  • Who can I ask for help?

Answering these will help you chart a way forward.

Photo by Diggity Marketing on Unsplash

Here is how it went for me…

After answering the questions, I realised that I had to set some SMART goals and break it down into weekly objectives. I also took the step to speak with a friend I highly esteem, she was able to hold me accountable for some of the goals. Before I knew what was happening, I was gradually having less panic attacks.

Key Lessons From My Experience

  • Plan your week ahead
  • Create time for exercise, it does wonders for your mind.
  • Acknowledge your weakness and take actionable steps to work on it.
  • Understand your strengths and learn how you can maximise them
  • In hard times, remind yourself of ‘your why’.
  • Difficult times should not mean you should give up, it’s all a part of your story.

I hope this sparks some form of hope in your mind that you can overcome this dread. I would love to hear your thoughts in the comment section.

With so much intentionality & love,


